Jul 10, 2017

Fresh Week ~

You don't need a new day to start over, you only need a new mindset...

No matter how many things I have to do in the day, I always take time 
out to enjoy my cafe and to play with Sniff before going to work.  Calms me 
and makes me ready to face the new week.  Monday already.  More gutter 
work planned for Almost Home.  Early start for everyone today.

Not sure what the day hold, but I am sure that whatever is in stock I am ready for it.
Being positive and optimistic has always worked to our advantage, so even if we
 encounter the not "so good" we feel ready and capable to deal with it.

As the new week begins, remember you can't change what happened
 last week, but you can learn from it and choose happiness.  
Today be the reason someone is smiling.

Mondays are fresh starts.  
Train your mind to see the good in everything...
