Jan 18, 2025

Saturday January 18th~

Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home...

Yesterday we woke up to a very cold morning.  I 
had to scrape snow off the windshield before we could 
take off.  Arvid was too cold to get out of the car, so I did it.  
I was not that cold, and it was a very beautiful morning.

This was the sunrise right outside our front door, and 
I will get to see it a lot in the upcoming months.

Arvid and I have had a very good time in Branson. 
 We always do.  We got many things taken care of making 
it much easier for us the next time we're there.  We even
 managed to get new furniture delivered in one day,
 and get rid of everything that was in the condo.

What I found "interesting" is that Branson still has all things
 Christmas out.  Many places have not taken down their Christmas 
trees, and restaurants still have Christmas decorations all over the
 place.  I'm still curious as to why they are waiting so long.  

Branson never fails to keep us busy.  One of the reasons 
we keep going back.  Of all places,it feels like home.

As always the best part of any journey is being 
back home with Sniff.  Where Sniff is, that's my home. 
 A good day to all.  Good to be back in The Sunshine State, 
even though there is no sunshine right now; it is warm.

All journeys have secret destinations of
 which the traveler is unaware.  A journey of a 
thousand miles must begin with a single step...


Jan 17, 2025

January 17th~

There is nothing like returning to a place 
that remains unchanged to find the ways
 in which you yourself have altered...

Our search for a place in Branson began almost four
 months ago.  Once Arvid got back from Norway he just kept
 talking about Branson.  I don't always pay attention to everything 
he says because many is just because he's restless or bored.

But then every so often (too often) he would say "we need
 a place in Branson so that we can get away from the summers 
in Florida."  I just looked at him and said, "that's why we have
 the apartment in Norway."  From what I understood when we 
got the apartment in Norway, Arvid was going to spend most 
of the summer there.  To get away from the Florida heat.

I love Branson, but Arvid had it really bad this time. 
 Everything he talked, everything he did was Branson related. 
 He was so busy looking for places for us.   I thought it was 
just another of his phases, so I just went along with it.  

Of course I wanted to go back to Branson, but at
 the time I was not sure I wanted a place there.  I was 
happy with Airbnb, but then Arvid started talking about 
being there for months.  I started to get concerned.

  My first thought was Sniff.  No way was I leaving 
him that long.  Going to Norway for almost three weeks is 
long enough.  I do not like being away from him for so long.  
He's my baby.  I miss him too much and worry about him.

After much back and forth I said okay to an apartment 
only because then Sniff would be with us.  Otherwise I told
 him I would only go for about a week and he can stay on 
alone if he so wished.  Compromise.  We bought a little
 condo in Branson because now Sniff can come as well.  

Everything in Branson is so familiar.  It feels like we 
came back home.  When Arvid asked if I would like to have 
a hotel again, there I drew the line.  Absolutely not.  It was 
good while we did it, but now we are older and it's gotten 
tougher to do the things we used to do.  Well almost.

Though it's winter, the weather has been amazingly
 good to us.  The sun is bright and the skies are always 
blue.  Makes winter feel like a permanent vacation.

To all a very good day.  Always the simple life is the best.

 A home is a place where we feel safe; it is our fortress
 that shields us from the troubles in the outer world...


Jan 16, 2025

Thursday January 16th~

The only time you should look back is to see how far
 you've come. Looking back can be a helpful way to 
learn from past experiences, both good and bad...

 The other day Facebook reminded me of some of our 
times when we lived in Branson.  Arvid and I became hotel
 owners by the end of 2016.  We were in for a surprise. 
 Not only have we never done anything like this, 
but that was the least of our worries.

The shock was how cold it was.  Of course this 
was January.  Winter is in full swing, but everyone had 
said how mild the winters have been in the last few years. 
 Seems like no one had told winter that back in 2017.

We were definitely not prepared for the cold much
 less snow and sleet on the road.  I would wake up to go to 
work in the mornings and the windshield of the car was iced. 
 I remember Arvid telling me to start it up and let it sit there 
for a while so it could heat up.  Took forever it seems.

Definitely do not miss it.  No maybe about it, but we 
sure had a great time when living in Branson even when it 
was so cold.  We were busy and we were doing something
 different.  A new challenge it was for us and we both learned
 so much.  Not all good, but the experience is one that will 
always be cherished and remembered.  To this day we still
 think of Branson as home and because of that we would 
always go back for visits.  Of course when it's warmer.

It's okay to look back once in a while.  We have done so 
many different "stunts" that it does get complicated at times 
to remember it all, but Branson is one we will never forget. 
 My wildlife is there and I miss them.  To all a good day.

You never know what the future holds.  We both agree 
that Branson has left a huge impact in our lives.  That's why 
our families are not surprised that we have decided to call it 
home again, at least for a few months in the summer.

It is cold here, but the weirdest thing is both Arvid and 
I were much colder this summer in Norway.  I know
 I was and when I mentioned it to him he agreed.

Our pasts may not be perfect, but there are
 lessons there that we can carry for a lifetime. The 
past may be gone, but it lives on as we look...


Jan 15, 2025

Wednesday January 15th~

Life is short, and every moment is precious...

Arvid and I decided to leave the Sunshine State for 
a few days and head to Branson, Missouri.  I know it 
is cold in Branson, but as I always say, "something
 about Branson somehow keeps pulling us back in. 

So far we wake up to extremely cold temperatures, 
but as the day progresses the sun shines brightly and we 
have a "warm" up.  Winter is definitely not to our liking.

We have been busy the last couple of days  Cleaning
 and cleaning making everything ready for when
 we return.  Only when it's warmer of course.

To all a good day.  Today we had our first breakfast
 at home.  Arvid did the honors and made his famous
 hot chocolate.  Good start of this cold day in Branson.

At the end of the day, you'll regret not trying
 something far more than you will ever regret trying 
and failing. After all, if you never try, you'll never be
 able to find out what could have been possible for you...


Jan 14, 2025

Tuesday January 14th~

Collecting moments, not things.  
Life's too short not to smile...

I cannot wait for summer to be here again.  Hopefully I
will have a few weeks on my own to do something adventurous 
again.  It was the best summer/time I have had in years.

 This morning I woke up and I was just thinking of the 
time I had this past August while Arvid was in Norway.  I did 
so many things.  One of my most memorable and favorite was
 San Francisco.  I just love this city and would go there again in
 a heartbeat.  Who knows maybe when Arvid is is Norway this
 summer I will have the opportunity to revisit San Francisco.  

I also loved my afternoons discovering different places 
and sampling different drinks.  Good thing Arvid came 
home when he did 😂otherwise I may have ended up 
being an alcoholic🍸.  But I won't mind doing it 
again this summer.  It was just so much fun.

I have to say I am very fortunate for all the blessings I
 have in my life.  It may not be a perfect life but it is enough. 
 It makes me happy and I makes me realize that there is always
 something to be grateful for.  There are so many not as fortunate.

Wishing everyone a very good day.  Looking back at 
beautiful moments always makes me smile even at times when 
some of these good memories are also very sad memories.  Life
 is not predictable, best to live and enjoy the moment we're in.

Some very beautiful moments in your 
life will be unplanned.  Be open to that...


Jan 13, 2025

January 13th 2025~

It might look like I'm doing nothing,
 but in my mind I'm very busy...

 January is already halfway done almost.  The month
 is going by a very fast pace.  As they say, "time waits for no 
one."  Life goes on and just like that another week begins.

As the new week begins we will be busy as usual.  
As I always say, Arvid sure has mastered the art of busy, 
and somehow he likes to draw me into this busy circle 😂
I only allow it if/ when I have nothing better going on.

Wishing everyone a good week ahead.  And always 
remember to do something that makes your soul happy.
That's our motto and we try to keep up with it 🙌.

I'm holding a cup of coffee so yeah, I'm pretty busy...


Jan 12, 2025

Sunday January 12th~

Memories.  They allow us to carry the lessons 
and experiences of the past into the present... 

 As always we take it even more relaxing on Sundays.
  We asked mom and dad out lunch with us, but they 
said not this time.  My parents prefer their meals 
at home rather than eating out.  I keep trying.  

I did see them a little yesterday and as always I 
came back home with food for a week.  I keep trying to 
tell them no to cook extra for me, but they alyas do.  Arvid
 is always amazed at my mom and dad's generosity
 and the amount of food I bring back home.

It a chilly start of the day, but it sure is warming up fast.

Treasured memories are like soft melodies, echoing
 the beauty of the past in the silence of our hearts...


Jan 11, 2025

Saturday January 11th~

Love the life you live.  Live the life you love...

 January is flowing smoothly along.  Pretty soon the
 New Year will not be so new.  So far it has been good to us. 
 We have a lot of exciting things to look forward to and the 
best is that my parents are still here in Florida.  This 
winter they will have spent almost three months.

Arvid and I continue to do little things that make 
us happy.  Food makes me happy.  Combined with 
a nice evening out that's enough for me.  We've tried 
to get my parents to do a few more things with
 us, but they are happy to not do that much.  

Still waiting for them to come to us for
 dinner.  Arvid keeps asking me when will they 
come over or more like "they have to come before 
they leave."  Truth is we go to them very often 
so it's not like we don't see each other much.

As always the weekend has soccer games, best 
of all it's warming up nicely again. After all this is
 Florida and we do not need more "arctic"weather.

I follow a few pages in Branson, Mo plus I get some 
updates from previous tenants.  Yesterday it was winter 
wonderland there like so many other places.  Nice to see, 
but being there and dealing with it not as glamorous.

Arvid and I took a little trip downtown to our favorite 
Friday hang-out.  It's the perfect spot for people watching.  It 
was a bit cold, but judging by the way people were dressed 
you could not really tell unless you were there.

As always Arvid was bundled up more than anyone
 around us. He's from Norway and when I say to him, 
"you're a Viking," he says, "not anymore."  He's a Viking 
when it is convenient.  As in when he wants to brag a bit😂

Wishing everyone a good day.  Here it started out great. 
 Liverpool (Arvid's team) has already won their match for
 the day.  This game went by smoothly.  Not much cussing
 and directring from Arvid.  Yes a good day indeed.

Take in all the little moments that this
 season of your life has to offer. You'll never
 get this exact moment or season again...


Jan 10, 2025

Friday January 10th~

Native in one place, invasive in another...

 With the cold weather comes the freezing/falling of
 the iguanas.  Iguanas are cold blooded.  They slow down or
 become immobile when temperatures drop into the 40's F 
(4C)  They may fall from trees but they are not dead.

These green iguanas arrived in Florida from Central and
 South America in the 1960's and have become a huge 
"nuisance" doing lots of damage to South Florida.

Sniff has found another spot to call his bed.  Right
 on the dining chair next to me.  Now I also have to cover 
it with towels to make it more comfy and cozy for him. 
 Our place right now looks like we're camping out  There's,
 sheets, blankets and towels all over the furnitures.  Not 
only for Sniff, but for Arvid and myself as well.

Friday.  Not sure what the day holds as yet, it depends 
on how restless Arvid and I get; but if it's anything like the
 week we have had, then I know it's going to be a good one.  

To all a very good day.  If you see something that's not 
right do something to correct it, it you can't then say something. 
 Every little bit helps.  As Albert Einstein said, "The world 
will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by 
those who watch them without doing anything."

So, we can't save the world by playing by the rules, 
because the rules have to be changed. Everything 
needs to change and it has to start today...


Jan 9, 2025

Thursday January 9th~

Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue
 your goals. If you aren't grateful for what you already have, 
what makes you think you would be happy with more...

I keep saying it's cold, but then I look at Rima's weather
 in Virginia and realize how fortunate we are to live in the 
Sunshine State.  Especially during the winter months.

 Everyone is talking about the weather.  Here in 
Fort Myers, Florida it's no different.  We Floridians do 
not want this cold anymore.  In North Carolina Mala 
and family are also having an artic blast, but Rio 
is prepared.  No messing with this boy.

 Yesterday was cold.  We even turned on the heat. 
 Even so Arvid had on a sweater and then he had another 
sweater draped over him.  We're wimps if you ask me.  Sniff
 spent most of his day on and off his heating bed as well.

I'm tired today.  I'm tired of cooking cleaning and 
doing all the chores at home.  It will pass, but I wish Arvid 
could help me a little more with the household chores.

Sniff refuses to eat his grass.  He just sits by it and watches it.

To all a beautiful day.  Another cold day for us, after that comes
 the warm up.  There is always something to be grateful for.

I choose to be grateful - that gratitude allows me to be happy...
