Sep 11, 2024

Just How It Is~

It has become appallingly obvious that our technology 
has exceeded our humanity;  life is really simple, 
but we insist on making it complicated...

This came to me from a friend. It say's, unfortunately
 the day Albert Einstein feared is already here.

 It just shows that we think more about our phones than
 we do about the loved ones and friends in our lives.  

No matter where you go, what you do, you hardly see people talking
to each other anymore.  All you see are heads bent and fingers working 
like crazy.  Yes the cell phone has now become the main form of
 everything for many.  Pretty soon we will probably lose touch with 
reality and the only thing that will matter anymore is the phone.

Out walking on the streets people bump into you
because their focus is on the phone. At restaurants couples
 rarely speak to each other. One or both are busy playing games
 or doing something on the phone. I am also guilty at times as well
 of checking my phone too much.  iPhones /smartphones have 
changed the world, and it seems if you want to stay in the "game" 
you need to upgrade often.  This was one of my first iPhones.

I really like all the things my iPhone can do, but I really also 
hope to never become one of  those who thinks their phone is more 
important than the person sitting next to them.  I also know
 that if I do, Arvids always there to point it out.

Good day to all and if your plans don't 
include mobile, your plans are not finished 😂

One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. 
No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man..
