Nov 24, 2013

Smile, It's Sunday..

If you're not using your smile, you're a man
 with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook....

Pretty excited today.  My sister and her son, my nephew are visiting us here in Mexico,
and best part of it is that they are staying with us.  Both Arvid and I are so looking
forward to having them here.  They arrive later today and we will be 
right there at the airport in Cancun to pick them up.

I have already started planning on what we would like to do and where we 
would like to go.  Knowing my sister, she is going to want to just take it easy and 
relax.  Nothing wrong with that.  Actually this is good because we have discovered 
many a relaxing places.  First place to go will be to have our Pina Coladas on 
on the beach.  Of course Arvid and I have tried it out to make sure it is suitable.

Suitable it is.  Too excited to sleep too much.  Up early.  Missing Brutus,
but can't wait to see my sister and JC.  Life is good and it is the simple
things that make them even better.

On a typical Sunday, it phone calls to family for Arvid but today email will be the
way to go.  We are in Mexico after all.  I did speak to my mom a few times.  I have to.
 Hearing her voice always makes me feel good and then I know all is good with everyone.

Well time to enjoy the sunrise and my coffee.  Yes a few
things never change no matter where you are and for that I am grateful
and happy.  Just Brutus next to us and it would be complete paradise.

For now have a great Sunday friends. And remember,
everything is possible it you want it badly enough.
Smile and enjoy the day.

There are HUNDREDS of LANGUAGES around the world,
but a SMILE speaks them ALL...
