Feb 5, 2017

A Pets 10 Commandments....

We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.
Brutus, Shadow, Sniff...a heartbeat at my feet...

Today I dedicate my blog to pets....for all of us that are lucky to have a pet
 you will relate to this....for those that don't I believe you will also be able 
to understand the bond a pet owner and their pets share...

Arvid and I have been fortunate to have had Brutus in our lives.  What Brutus 
did for us and mostly for Arvid I don't think any human person has done. 
 He taught Arvid about love, patience, caring, gentleness and yes, 
when Brutus died he showed Arvid that it was and still is OK to cry.  

I can say that Brutus made Arvid more human that ever.  I can't say anyone 
has ever come close to doing that.  Arvid is a better person today because
 of Brutus.  Brutus took my heart.  He was and will always be my baby.

1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. 
Any separation from you is likely to be painful.  

Our Brutus lived for 9.5 years only.  We had him for 9 years.  
Not enough as far as I am concerned, but those 9 years will forever be
 9 of the best years we have had.  There is not a day that goes by that my thoughts
 don't veer to Brutus.  Then came Shadow.  We had him for 4 months.
  Even in that short time, Shadow left his paw prints in my heart.

2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.

3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.

4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. 
You have your work, your I friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.

Yes, Brutus had only us.  We were his guardians as Arvid loved to say.  I can
definitely say we took great care of him.  He never wanted for anything.  Why should he? 
 He gave us the best there is and we in turn did the same for him.  Shadow was also 
starting to have the same, but his time with us was just too short.  He was just a baby.

5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words,
 I do understand your voice when speaking to me.

Not only did we talk to Brutus, Arvid sang to him every night without fail.  
Unless of course we were not home.  We had a routine with Brutus.  One we both miss.
Now we are making new routines with Sniff.  Every day with Sniff is interesting.

6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.

7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember
that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.

8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if 
something might be bothering me.  Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I
 have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.

The last month before Brutus died Arvid and I noticed he was not eating well. 
 He was always a fussy eater, but the last month was hard on him.  The doctor 
prescribed an appetite stimulant pill.  Worked at first, but then nothing. 

 Sometimes he cried as if he were in real pain.  I can still hear those cries. 
 We both can, and it still tears my heart apart. Something was not right with 
our Brutus.  Shadow had no problem eating.  He had fresh chicken all the time 
with carrots.  Thankfully Sniff is also a good eater.  He loves his Sheba.

9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old.

I was devoted to Brutus, we both were to his care and well being.  We 
tried everything possible.  Laser treatment.  Hyperbaric treatment.  Specialists. 
 Internists.  And for a while I guess it helped, but in the end his body was too weak.
If only I could turn back the clock.  I want my Brutus back again.  I want my Brutus back!

10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can't
 bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for 
me if you are there, because I love you so. ALWAYS!

Brutus, dada and I held you while you were put to sleep.  Mama and dada
 held you like the baby you were/are to us.  Unfortunately we were not there for 
Shadow.  He died while we were in North Carolina visiting my parents.

Our Brutus.  He is never far from my thoughts and my heart.  He made life so 
much better for us.  He made Arvid a better person.  No matter how many 
kitties come through our lives, none will ever compare to Brutus. 
 We love our Sniff dearly, but my Brutus took my heart.

In another home.. my sister and her family also miss their Golden Boy.


I love you with all my heart and nothing will ever change that.  Shadow
for those few months you were with us, you gave us an exciting time. 
You were fearless and non stop all day long.  Mama loved her Shadow.

Brutus came to us on October 18 2006.  He died November 5th 2015.
Shadow came into our lives November 10th 2015.  He died March 5th 2016.
  One of the happiest days of our lives was October 18th 2006
Not a day goes by without us realizing how lucky we were to have Brutus in
 our lives.  Never imagined he would die the way he did.  We have Sniff and it's
 now time to make memories also with him.  For Sniff is a very good boy.

"A house is not a home without a pet"  "Dogs have owners, cats have staff"
The past beats inside me like a second heart.  Nothing is ever 
really lost to us as long as we remember it....
