Sep 11, 2023

Hello New Week ~ September 11th

It be like that sometimes.  It's OK to not be OK.
Somedays are just harder than others...

 Sniff was having a "rough" morning, so I will just let him
 sleep in some more.  Like his dada he loves his sleep.  He was 
watching the deer in the front yard, and then suddenly he decided
 he's had too much, and before I knew it, he was sound asleep.

On the other hand, my little friends are having a jolly
 good time.  Daisy is eating up a storm, and now she does 
not mind me looking at her.  Before she would fly away. 
 Now she just looks at me and continues eating 🐦.

Baby deer has had enough foodies for the morning.  She is
now just sitting and relaxing as the others continue eating.

Gerald is also full.  He's had a lot of carrots and
 sweet potatoes.  Building up his reserves for the winter.
  He's so fat he wobbles.  I love him, and I will miss him.

Arvid and I enjoyed another beautiful outing at The Landing. 
   Weather was perfect and the views of the lake just keep us 
coming back.  Will sure miss it when that day comes.

A new week begins.  Another inspection coming up at Almost Home. 
 September is definitely looking to be one of the busiest months, at the
 same time it is also a very good month.  Wishing everyone a great
 week ahead.  Remember if you want something badly, just go for it. 
 Give it your best shot.  Who knows?  You may very well succeed.

It's the little details that are vital. 
 Little things make big things happen...
