Feb 20, 2014

Checking In...

Suddenly, you know you are alive.

When I look back on my life, I wonder how I survived-my mother said I had a guardian angel.
Surgery is over.  I made it through the night.  I am one of the lucky ones because you see I know
I have a guardian angel.  My guardian angel is fair with golden hair and eyes the color of the sky.

The last few hours have been very traumatic for Arvid and our families.
I'm happy to say that I have made it through the surgery.  I hurt more than I care to admit.  
Well heck I am never afraid to admit to my weaknesses and one of them right now it that I don't
 handle pain so well.  So bring me medication please.  I think I will now go to sleep.  

Thank you everyone for your thoughtfulness, kindness and concern. 
My belief that people are good always pays off.
Little by little I am going to be getting better.

Thank you and for me it's goodnight.

I've got to admit it's getting better.
 It's a little better all the time