Dec 27, 2019

The Best Of Times ~

Life is about enjoying yourself and having a good time. 
Attitude and enthusiasm play a big part in my life.
 I get excited about the things that inspire me. I also 
believe in laughing and having a good time...

Arvid and I on our way to Tampa to see family.  Happy Happy.

Enjoying some good times and story telling.  Lots of laughter.

After having dinner at Nina's on the 24th we
 went to to the hotel together with Nirvan and kids 
and had another little party on our own.  I took the 
wine, beers and snacks.  We really had a blast.

Arid keeps telling me that I am becoming a wine drinker.  When in
company with loved ones and having a great time, it sure tastes good.

On Christmas we all had breakfast together at the hotel.
After that Arvid took off to check on some of our land, while
Nirvana, L, Kimsy and I hung out some more and did a
Starbucks run before heading to my sisters home.

We had a great time, and we got the best news ever.
 My parents who have been in Florida since the 12th of
December told us that they will be staying on for the winter
until the first week of February.  We are super excited and happy.

In my family when we go visiting we never stay on as
 in forever.  Even Arvid said, "I like it when everyone leaves
 at a decent time."  Once we got the good news, and it was still
fairly early we decided to drive back home to Sniff.  Both happy.

We love going places, but we love it better at home where
we can sleep in our own beds and wake up to breakfast
in our own place.  That being said we plans for our
are already making plans for our next mini vacation.

It's good to be home again, but honestly can't wait
until I see everyone again.  Today my parents leave Tampa
 and head closer our way.  Life is good and I am grateful.

I'm having a good time. I'm going to treat every 
game and every day as if they are my last 
because I now know that they could be...
