There is a restless feeling knocking on my door today...
Sunday again, and it looks to be a relaxing time. Few chores
to do, but overall a good day awaits us. Now that Almost Home
is back on its feet, Arvid and I are once again having that
feeling of "what shall we do with all the time we have?"
Sniff is having a little "trouble" getting started this morning,
but we all have those days, and there is nothing wrong
with it as long as you don't let it get the best of you.
To all a day filled with peace and happiness. My eyelids
are heavy, but my thoughts are heavier. Good morning all.
I keep reminding myself that instead of worrying about what you
cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create. Many
a times, it is easier said than done, but I give it my best shot.
Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows,
but only empties today of its strength...