Jan 30, 2024

Tuesday January 30th~

The only time you should ever look
 back is to see how far you have come...

 Ever since the marina by our condo building was destroyed
 by Hurricane Ian, Arvid keeps hoping that soon something will
 happen.  According to city officials that may "soon" be possible. 
 Soon can be years, but at least someone is talking about rebuilding.
  Below is a picture of what the marina looked like.  We had it
 for 8 days before Hurricane Ian destroyed everything.

The building with the 5 towers is ours.  To the left with the green
 roof is Joe's Crab Shack.  Our building had water damage to the 
first 2 levels which are the garage levels.  Joe's Crab Shack had boats 
crashing under it.  Today Joe's Crab Shack is back up and running.

If you are a Floridian, you know there is much to say about the Florida traffic.

Colder mornings continue.  Arvid is threatening to turn on the heat.

Wishing everyone a good day.  Climate change is definitely here.

Climate change is no longer some far-off problem;
 it is happening here; it is happening now...
