Don't be afraid to change. You may lose
something good but you may gain something better...
A typical morning for Sniff begins with a little bird watching.
Of course in between of all this hard "work" there is nap times.
This morning I looked out the window and what do I see?
Two vultures, just enjoying the cool temperatures we are having.
On a different note. Yesterday I came to the realization
that not all relationships are good for you. It does not matter
how long you may have known that person, there comes a
time when you have to say, "enough" and just let it go.
to move on. Life has its ups and downs, but you can only look forward
Closure happens right after you accept that
letting go is more important than projecting a fantasy of how
the relationship could have been. I reserve the right to
be choosy about what and who I allow in my life...