Jul 26, 2024

July 26th~

Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home...

 In just a few hours I will be in Florida.  Back home 
with Sniff.  I can't wait.  Little tired, but that's all part 
of this thing called vacation.  I now need another
 vacation to recover from my vacation ๐Ÿ˜‚

I am tired, but I am also very happy.  Happy because 
our granddaughters finally are getting used to calling me 
bestemor.  Happy also because soon I will hold Sniff.

Summer in Norway was mostly wet and cold, but in many ways 
it may have been the best time I have had so far.  You see I bonded
 with our granddaughters, and nothing can take that away.  I just hope
 they don't forget me because for me they are always in my heart.

As I wait to board the plane, I think of 3 little girls in
 Norway, and yes I think of going home to Sniff.  Life, but I 
am so grateful for all the joys it has and continues to give me.

No matter who you are or where you 
are, instinct tells you to go home...


Jul 25, 2024

July 25th~ Homewards Bound

A man travels the world over in search of 
what he needs and returns home to find it...

 I am soon on my way back to the USA.  Home. For me there 
here will never be another place like the USA.  I love it, and I
 miss it.  It is where Sniff is.  It's where my heart yearns to be. 
 Thank you Norway for the beautiful memories and a wonderful
 time. Though the weather was terrible, I had the best summer 
with family, and lots of bonding with our granddaughters.
 I will be missing three little faces more than anything.

Home is Sniff and that's where I an going.  
I'm going home and I could not be any happier.  
It's been an amazing time with family.  Wonderful 
memories have been made.  It's a bittersweet feeling, 
but I'm going home, and that makes me happy. 
I'm already missing three little faces.  Life ๐Ÿ˜”

Next stop is JFK, New York. In a few hours I will be
 back on American soil.  After that another few hours
 and I will be home with my Sniff.  I am happy.

There's no place like home, and I'm finally 
heading back. Home is where the heart is, and 
my heart is racing back to my happy place...

July 25th ~

What's wonderful about life's simple pleasures
 is that they are everywhere around us....

Life's simple pleasures, they are the most
 unassuming moments, but things I truly find immense
 pleasure in.  Like an early morning walk or just alone 
time with Sniff.  Relaxing with Arvid yet not having
 to say anything.  Content with just enjoying life.

Yesterday ended with a very beautiful glow.
As Benjamin Franklin said, "Happiness consists more
 in small conveniences or pleasures that occur every day,
 than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but
 seldom to a man in the course of his life๐Ÿ˜

Yesterday we had the best meal of the entire stay 
right at Victoria and Michael's. Everything they made 
was scrumptious, and they made quite a bit.

Today of course is a beautiful day.  I had my last 
early walk by the harbor and enjoyed a pretty morning for 
a change.  Sun was and is shining.  What a difference.

Soon I will be seeing and holding my Sniff.  

The simplest pleasures are 
sometimes the most extraordinary....


Jul 24, 2024

Wednesday July 24th~

If you go anywhere, even paradise, you will miss your home...

 My summer in Norway has not been that good,
 weatherwise.  If we had a "warm" day we were lucky.  The
 sun rarely came out, and if it did it disappeared just as fast. 
Right now it is also wet, and cold.  Hoping the day get better.
 It does help with a cup of tea at nights to help keep us warm. 
 Hopefully August will be a better month for everyone.

The grey kitty is Leo.  He belongs to Michelle and family. 
 He's super loving, chunky and cuddly.  The black and white as 
mentioned before is Felix.  He's more suspicious of everyone.

The view from the apartment.  Always a
 good one, and better when it's clear blue skies.

Arvid and I took another trip to the cemetery. 
There he trimmed the grown grass around the grave, 
something his mom always did when she was alive.

I am missing home.  I am missing my Sniff so very much.

Maybe that’s the best part of going 
away for a vacation — coming home again...


Jul 23, 2024

Some Days Can be Beautiful~ July 23rd

 Every morning starts a new page in your story...

On a good day I see the sunset from the balcony and 
as you can see from this picture, pretty impressive.
What a perfect ending to the day.  Sunsets no matter
 where I am are always beautiful.  Sadly, this was not
 yesterday.  Yesterday we only had gloom and rain.

From the living room I see the sunrise, so far
 when there is a sunrise it's has been before 4:30 am.
  And of course also very beautiful to say the least.

Right now there are pretty flowers everywhere. 
 I am so easily distracted on my morning walks๐Ÿ˜‚
  But I sure have a good time smelling the roses.

Right now I'm missing my little Sniff.  He's always with me when
 I'm awake in the mornings "begging" to be fed before going back 
to sleep with Arvid.  Aww this little face sure makes me happy.

A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the
 pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness...


Jul 22, 2024

Monday July 22nd~

 Today is a new chapter in the story of your life. Fill
 it with love, laughter, and unforgettable moments...

A new week begins again and I will be welcoming 
it in Horten, Norway once again.   The weather
the last few days has been very good, but today
once again it's back to the gloom and rain.  

Beautiful weather makes life and everything
 so much more pleasant.  After a while the gloom can 
and does get to everyone no matter where you are.

Yesterday we had a really good time with Michelle
 and family once again in Daftรถ.  This place caters for kids,
 and its good to see how much they enjoy themselves.

We took everyone out for lunch at this Pirate restaurant.
  The kids really like it there.  Usually there is a pirate show, 
but we did no see it.  It's on specific days and times.

In Daftรถ the girls have so much to do, makes the place
 a dream for parents.  Plus the Aleah and Vanessa have friends
 visiting so they are in seventh heaven.  Amelia is always happy.
 There is the beach, pools and kids entertainment of all sorts.  

Like all kids, the girls have endless energy and some. 
 Arvid and I were tired in a few hours and truth be told 
this was the day we did the least running around.  It was a 
very warm day so the heat didn't help.  Especially when 
Arvid once again did not dress for the weather.

So far I will say this has been my best summer in Norway.  
I have not been to see much outside of Horten, but I have bonded 
with our grandchildren more than had imagines happening.  

I am happy and I keep telling myself that I must have done
 something right to deserve their love, and the love of Arvid's 
daughters and their spouses.  Yes, my best summer.  It goes without
 saying that I love them all and right now I am a little sad now.

Wishing everyone a new week filled with endless possibilities.  
My Sniff is home in Florida waiting patiently for me ๐Ÿพ

Wishing you a day that brings you closer to
 your dreams and fills your heart with joy...


Candy Galore~ Sweden

Candy is my sweet escape from reality...

 On our way to see Michelle and family Arvid 
and I made a little pit stop to the biggest and oldest
 candy factory chain on the Norwegian border. 

 I will let the pictures do the telling.

This is heaven for anyone who loves candy. and who does not?

Candy: the sugar-coated magic that makes everything better....


Jul 21, 2024

Just A Beautiful Day~

 Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter
 how bad the roads and accommodations...

Just relaxing in the apartment enjoying the view.  Very
 calming and soothing to say the least.  We have the Ferry 
coming and going all day long together with a few cruise ships
 and some private boats.  Always something interesting to see.
When the weather is good, the view is amazing.  Calming

Just about a five minute walk from us is our favorite places
 to "chill" in the afternoons and have some relaxing times with 
just the beautiful scenery, a cup of coffee and for Arvid a beer
 or two.  It's a very good time and we both look forward to it.

I like to walk around a little and check things out. 
 That's how I spotted this cherry tree with more cherries
 than leaves.  Of course I had a few "samples"

Already adjusted to Norwegian time, but I really do not 
like the six hours difference between me and my family. 
 When they are waking up we're already so busy.  

Missing my Sniff, but I know he is well taken care of.
A good day to all.  Arvid and I are getting into the
 "Norwegian" lifestyle.  It's okay for now.

 In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have
 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact...


July 21st~ Trip to Daftรธ

I don’t think quantity time is as special 
as quality time with your family...

 Today we go to Sweden for the day.  Michelle, Emil 
and the girls are there enjoying their home away from
 home.  It's their little getaway from daily "life"  We start
 by taking the ferry from Horton to a a place called Moss.  
From Moss we drive to Sweden.  Very scenic drive.

We were there last year also.  Daftรธ  has everything 
a child can want which makes it the perfect family spot.  
Who can resist being in the pool all day long?

As with everything we do here in Norway, hoping for good
 weather, meaning please do not rain on our parade.  At least 
when it's cold we bundle up.  Cold and wet not so good.  Last year
in Daftรธ we had a good time with Michelle, Emil and the girls.

Last night we had the best time (again) with Michael 
and Victoria.  We enjoyed good company to the sounds
 of Reggae music.  Arvid said the music was not that great. 
 I said, what mattered was that we all had a great time.

 Back home in Florida, my Sniff is home 
alone waiting patiently for his mama to be back.

Embrace this day with all your heart and soul...


Jul 20, 2024

July 20th~

I'm in love with the world through the eyes of a morning walk...

 As long as it does not rain in the mornings I manage
 to get a little walk in.  Happy for that because it then rains for
 the rest of the day on and off.  The other day no rain was predicted,
 yet it rained most of the day.  Here in Norway I have learnt that
 you need to check the weather constantly before planning
 anything.  I always see interesting things on my walks.

And no, there is no Dunkin Donut in Norway, 
but I have my little Dunkin cup.  makes me feel as if I'm
 having cafe at home.  Coffee no matter where is good.

Yesterday was one of those absolutely beautiful Norwegian 
summer days.  The sun was out and the skies were blue, 
unlike most of the days we have had so far. Made for a 
beautiful morning walk, and Horten just looked better.

What a difference a day with sunshine makes.

The temperature was on the cooler side which made it even 
better when walking.  My best morning so far this summer.

When we went to Oslo I took a lot of pictures of the smiling 
boat as I called it, and to my surprise later that evening as 
Arvid and I were sitting relaxing in the apartment in Horten
 the same boat passed by.  Pretty cool I might say ๐Ÿ˜

My Sniff is home in Florida waiting patiently for me. 
 I am happy because his pet-sitter sends me a picture of him
 everyday.  After I hear from her, I can relax and go to sleep.

With the good weather comes happy campers.
  Finally they can also enjoy their summer vacation. 
 Norwegians have a strong affinity for the outdoors and
 are known for their love of hiking, skiing, picking berries and
 embracing nature in any possible way. ⛺ People try to be as
 close to nature as possible and therefore it's very common to
 own or rent a hut, boat, RV or campervan in Norway.

Yesterday was a beautiful day here sun was shining so 
Arvid and I made it to our favorite summer spot when in Horten. 
 Fishland.  Though the sun was shining, as soon as it disappeared, 
it was cold.  Aside from me being cold, we had a good time.

Later this evening we go listening to Reggae music 
right here in Horten with Victoria and Michael.  We always have
 a good time together and I know tonight won't be any different.

I'm still smiling when I think of our day at Victoria
 and Michaels and what a beautiful time I had with everyone. 
 Especially with our granddaughters.  I'm sill overwhelmed by 
them calling me bestemor.  I don't think I can stop smiling.

Do the best you can until you know better. 
Then when you know better, do better...
