Jul 31, 2013

Intelligentsia Coffee...Hype?

I'm impressed with the people from Chicago. Hollywood is hype,
 New York is talk, Chicago is work.
If I asked for a cup of coffee, someone would search for the double meaning...

Everyone knows about Starbucks Coffee, but I not sure many know about Intelligentsia Coffee.
Here the making of coffee is more like a work of art.  It's a creation.
Maybe just hype?  Coffee is an "in" thing and it seems like if
you get it from one of these name places you are definitely in.  Hmmm....

In October of 1995 Doug Zell and Emily Mange left San Francisco to open an in-store 
coffee roaster-retailer on Broadway Avenue on the north side of Chicago. 
Since then Intelligentsia has evolved considerably.

Intelligentsia now has three cities it calls home: Chicago—a city that is brooding, practical 
and reluctantly beautiful; Los Angeles—a city that views creativity as a birthright, 
is immensely vast, decidedly impractical and equally messy and marvelous; 
and New York—a city of paradoxes.

When I first tried the coffee I was pretty amazed to see how they made it.
I will say it took longer to get it than it does at Starbucks.  Where Starbucks' 
Coffee is already made and sitting waiting to be poured, here the coffee is
prepared individually as you wait and the preparation of it is very involved.
They make it one cup at a time.  

The lines are unbelievably, but even so people are 
waiting.  Look at me.   I waited also.  I always thought Starbucks was the priciest, 
but Intelligentsia is.  Today was my second visit for this summer.  As usual it was
an enjoyable experience just to see the process.  

Another last for me for this summer.  Time is winding down and still 
many things we would like to see before we leave.  So far these last few 
days we been to House of Blues, a few favorite restaurants, duckie feeding,
Navy Pier (where we had to have our ice-cream) and more.  

Also a lot of work trying to get the last items out.
Unfortunately the bar is way to big for most, so we ended up giving 
it to a man in our building who has been kind to us from day one.
Both Arvid and I feel good about this.

Life is not lived in the past, neither is it lived wandering in future.
 Life is for today, and it is today. Live it, love it, see it, 
and show how capable you are of everything you wish to achieve. 
Good Morning and have a beautiful day ahead. Have fun...


Jul 30, 2013

Beautiful Hair Care...

My hair dresses me nicely.
My hair is my jewellery.
My hair belongs to me...

Want beautiful hair?  Well according to this chart these

are essential nutrients you will be needing to have that healthy,
shiny and think head of hair.

Good day, bad day.  Your hair is the one thing you can't hide.

When I was a little girl my hair was the curliest hair at home.
It was always a mass of curls and tangles (same today) and I hated it.
Today I have learnt to do more with it and to keep it a little under control. By using the
 right products and eating the right stuff, I have been told that I am very lucky to have beautiful hair.

 Don't know what it is about my hair, but it always seems to attract a lot of attention.
 Through the years, I have also come to really enjoy the attention and a mass
of untidy curls!  I like it as well, very much!

Have a nice day and take some time to do something just for you.

Everyone isn't going to like your hair.
That's their problem, not yours...


Good Advise

The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow.
 Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed...

Every so often Facebook does have something worth sharing and today
 this is what I found and now I share it with you.

I asked her for a piece of advice. She reached in her purse, pulled out a piece of paper, 
and handed it to me. It said this:

Life isn't fair, but it's still good. Life is too short-- enjoy it. Cry with someone.
 It's more healing than crying alone. Make peace with your past so it won't
 screw up the present and the future. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 
If a relationship has to be secret, you shouldn't be in it. 

Take a deep breath, it calms the mind. Everything can change in the blink of an eye.
It's never too late to be happy. But it's all up to you and no one else. When it comes
time to go after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer. Burn the nice candles,
 use the nice sheets, wear the nice lingerie, wear the nice clothes.
Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

Over prepare, then go with the flow. No one is in charge of your happiness but you. 
Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years will this matter?' 
Always choose life. Forgive but don't forget. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time. 
However good or bad a situation is, it will change. 
All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

If we all threw our problems in a pile and we saw everyone else's, we'd grab our's back.
 Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need. Yield.
 Friends are the family we choose. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

Pretty wise person if yo ask me.  Hope your day is going well and that every so often
you remember to be thankful for what you have.  Life is to be enjoyed so 
make the most of it and have a good day.

If it weren't for the mistakes I've made,
I won't be here today...


Jul 29, 2013

Just For Fun...

When I read about the evils of drinking,
I gave up reading...

In case you needed a reason why it's a good idea to have a drink..

Choose the one that suits you best.

Whatever suits your fancy..   Enjoy.

Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick and pull yourself together!
Wishing you a good start of the week.

It's like gambling somehow.  You go out for a night of drinking
and you don't know where you are going to end up the next day.
It could work out or it could be disastrous.  It's like
the throw of the dice....


Jul 28, 2013

Good Moments..

Life is an experience; it has its ups and downs, 
so hold close to your heart those times that make you happy...

Just a few memories gathered during this trip to mom and dad's.

I am so happy the kids love their uncle Arvid and he them.  Puts
everything in a better perspective.
As the years go by, we change, but I know that with each passing day
I will always be happy for the bond between Arvid and my family.

Have a great day and remember,
our life is what our thoughts make it!

Wishing you happiness in your heart today and always...


Jul 27, 2013

Hello Saturday...

The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things...

As usual Brutus and I are awake before Arvid.  The day is shaping up
to be pretty interesting.  Today we have so far very cool AM temperatures.
Absolutely the best for sleeping in a little extra, but none of that 
sits well with Brutus who needs his morning sunshine to warm him up,

and of course a little brushing after snacking on catnip.  Perfect starts
for his mornings.  Everyday!  For me the best way is with

my morning cafe, and who better to enjoy it with than Brutus while Arvid
sleeps away.  I am a morning person.  Arvid is not.  He is a night owl, whereas
I am not.  Very different we are at times.  

The day is looking pretty good. Yesterday I put quite a few ads in Craigslist
hoping to sell or trade a few items we still have left. Pretty interesting
some of the requests we are having.  Just makes me smile. 

After a day at the mall and lunch out at one of our favorite places,
we decided that today may be a good day for music at House of Blues Chicago.
Have to catch up with our favorite things before time runs out on our
stay here.  Ready to go home, but still kinda sad about this being the
final stay in our home.

For now, time to have a fun filled and exciting day.  Wishing you all the same.

 Don't waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, 
run to the next window- or break down a door...

Jul 26, 2013

Laundry Time...

It's better to have loved and lost than to have to do forty pounds of laundry a week.  
If I don't do laundry today, I'm gonna have to buy new clothes tomorrow...

Not my favorite time of the week, but it has to get done so no point complaining about it.
Here in Chicago doing laundry takes a little coordinating since we do not have a washer
and dryer inside of our unit.  The thing is washer and dryers are not allowed in the 
units unless they were there long time ago and have been grandfathered in.
We tried to put one in, but we were not allowed.

We live in the 25th floor and the laundry is on the 2nd floor.  Living in a condo
you always have to check the schedule to make sure what time is 
best to do laundry.  Usually between 8am to 4pm the service elevators are 
tied up with deliveries, move-in's and move-outs.  Not a good time.
So it's either before 8am or after hours.

We really in many ways prefer the laundry room this way because less dust in the
apartment, but it makes it a bit inconvenient because Brutus needs clean laundry constantly.
Three of those dryers above have sheets, towels and linens.  Most
belong to Brutus.  I don't mind going down.

 I have a few friends there and we chat.  Can always watch TV
 if you wish, log on to the free wifi or just get something from the
vending machine to snack on.  Not the worst way to pass the time,
and best of all I found a few people I can give stuff away to.
Seems like giving things away has gotten to be very difficult.

For now wishing you all a good day.  For us it's was music in the park yesterday,
a little drink at a favorite place of ours and the weekend began!

 For now Cheers to a good Friday!
Seems very promising :)  Let the weekend begin!

I don't know about you, but I am ready for the weekend!


Jul 25, 2013


Life is full of give and take,
give thanks and take NOTHING for granted...

No time like the present to make the most of the day and of yourself.
Another beautiful day awaits us.  No matter what is going on in your life
never forget to be thankful for the opportunity to experience
a new day everyday.

As my girlfriend said, sometimes a smile hides a lot of heartaches.  Sometimes a happy
person is really a very good pretender who knows how to
cope with the disappointments life has sent their way.  Even so,
remember there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for.

Whatever challenges life may throw your way, remember to always
face it with your head up and with an attitude that says
"let's do it"   Take the good with the bad because sometimes
the "bad" is really not so "bad"

Better days ahead always..

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending...


Jul 24, 2013

Good Morning From Chicago....

I just wanted to share a virtual cup of coffee with you,
I thought it would be a nice way to begin our day.
I hope today finds you well.... 

As usual awake early and ready for whatever the day holds.

Enjoying an early morning with my cafe and Brutus.
Wishing you all good times always.
As some commented yesterday, 
You know as well as I do, life isn't always easy...

Hello friends, hope you have a good morning and an awesome day...


Make Each Day Count...

Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you.
There is something good in every day...

Make sure everyday no matter what day of the week is a great day.  Yesterday
was Tuesday, not the weekend, but good enough to head
out to the park and have a good time.

Being a perfect day, it was good to sit out in the park, watch people and  enjoy
 a few fruity drinks. Today it was Strawberry Basil Lemonade for me.  After that I was 
pretty much unstable for the walk back home, but it felt good and
I was completely relaxed!
The days are winding down.  We are looking forward to returning back
to Florida.  We had good times here in Chicago and hopefully we
will be back and enjoy the city we love so much.

As usual the best way to end an exhausting day is
in the pool and hot tub...

Wishing you all a very good day.  Remember, even though
everyday may not be a good day, there is always
something good in each day.  Make sure you find it
and you appreciate it because before you know it
it can be taken away from you for good.

Miracles happen everyday, change your perception
of what a miracle is and you will see them all around you....


Jul 23, 2013

Feeling Sad...

You can only push a person away for so long before
they turn and walk away.  Make sure it's 
what you want because when they leave
 they are gone forever....

My heart broke today.  More like it is very sad.

Somethings you take for granted, and when you realize your 
mistake all you have left is a sadness inside of you.

Once it's broken so many times, you start to
lose pieces so it's just best, if I keep it to myself
for now on before I lose too much
I'm already in too deep... 


Jul 22, 2013

Read Carefully...

Pets are humanizing.
They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility
to preserve and nurture and and care for all life...

Some of the coolest and nicest things I share with all of you are usually sent
by friends or shared by friends.  Today this caught my attention.  Having Brutus
makes this even more important to me.  I would like to make sure 
that as many people as possible realize that a kitty cat is not a playting
for just a short time.

Like children they are part of our lives.  We do not get rid of them because we 
no longer like something they did or because they grew up from a fluffy 
little kitty to a full grown cat.  Would you get rid of your child for these reasons?
Did not think so.

Before you become as Arvid says "the guardian" of one of these
babies make sure you also accept the responsibilities that
like with everything there will be good days and a few not so good days.

 True love stands by each other on good days, and 
stands even closer on the bad days...


Jul 21, 2013


For some Chicago expats, food is the medicine that blunts the pain of separation... 

Time is going so fast.  Pretty soon we will be leaving Chicago and though I am happy 
we sold so very fast I will really miss the summers here.

Beautiful no matter where you go.  Lunch out and every moment
was just something to see and something happening!

So far everyone who has visited us in Chicago loves the city.
Arvid's brother and girlfriend said it was one of the nicest cites they have 
ever been to and the definitely want to come back.  Plans were that
maybe they would have visited this year, but this did not work out.

Unfortunately, Danielle cannot make it here either.  Busy little girl
this year.  Hopefully now she and the other nieces and nephews
will visit us in Florida instead:)

My sister and entire family also visited us and though their city of 
choice is New York, when they saw Chicago my sister was 
all ready to buy an apartment also for summer usage.  They almost did:)

I can see why everyone would fall in love with this city in the SUMMER!  It is 
like no other city.  Always something going on.  Every single day
in the summer their are activities in the park, music, family fun everything
you can imagine.  I have a Facebook friend from Sweden who visited Chicago.
Also fell in love with the city!  Swears to come back soon.

I know for sure both Arvid and I will definitely be back!  Still
have some time left here so we are sure going to make the most of
our time here... Every moment counts.

Let me tell your something. 
I’m from Chicago. 
I don’t break...


Jul 20, 2013

Family Time...

Having somewhere to go is home.
Having someone to love is family.
Having both is a blessing...

Nothing compares to being with family and spending quality time together.
Mom and dad's home in North Carolina is usually the place where we all meet 
up and have a good time.  It's a great place to bond and to enjoy all of the
things we grew up with.

As we pull into the driveway the first sight is the warm and welcoming sign.
Typical of my mom and dad.  Then there are the forever blooming flowers
and the sight of mom and dad.  Nothing better than getting a huge warm hug.
I know I'm home again, if only for a short time.

Another good thing is seeing my sister and family.  For both 
Arvid and I this is the highlight of the trip... Gabsy, Riley and Lilly Vade.
Have not seen them in a while and we miss them so.  Arvid is only hoping
Gabsy would want to go on a mini road trip with him.  Will see about that.

We are VERY lucky another of my sister and husband is also here.
Yes, this is going to be good and best of all is that today we will
have a just sisters day.  Time to catch up with each other.
What could be better???
Wishing you all a very special day!

Remember, food tastes better when you eat it with your family :)

Like branches on a tree,
we all grow in different directions,
yet our roots remain as one...


Jul 19, 2013

North Carolina..

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step...

Good morning from beautiful North Carolina, home to my parents.  For a few
days we will be again on Eastern Time.  

At mom and dad's everyone is welcome and everyone is well fed.  Their home has feeders 
everywhere for all sorts of birds.  Be it Hummingbirds or just
the regular everyday birds.
No matter where you go there is always a welcoming spot to have a seat or if you 
want to explore the area and the lakes, we just hop onto the Gold Cart
and away we go.

For the next few days, it will be nice to be with family.  North Carolina...
home for a while :)

Smile, today is a beautiful day...
