Oct 22, 2024

Tuesday October 22nd~

The day is what you make it...

 We had an early start yesterday. I was up early so 
that I could go and take care of Josie and Moses. They
 are so cute, but very cautious of me. Hopefully today 
they will let me get a little closer.  Moses did come 
really close to sniff me, but then he took off.

We picked up the truck right after breakfast. The cooler
 temperatures makes everything better. Even moving furniture.
  I prepared as if we were heading for a road trip. Had all
 my snacks ready in case hunger struck. Mainly apple
 slices and lots of water. You never know ๐Ÿ˜Ž

As we were driving around in the truck Arvid says to me, 
"you know I really enjoy driving this truck in  short distances." 
 So I said, "why don't we rent it once in a while so you 
and I can just go for drives every once in a while?"

I prepared myself by taking a few painkillers to help
 my knee. Yeah my knee still hurts but not as excruciating 
as it was.  The worst part is at nights. I just cannot find 
a position of comfort๐Ÿ˜ญso I just turn all night long.
  By morning I'm exhausted from lack of sleep.

After the move which did not take us that long at all, 
we were a little tired.  Bruised in a few places but we felt 
really good.  We look at it as a little workout as well.

Today we do a little more work in the house.  Nothing 
that would exhaust, but just enough to keep us busy for a few
 hours every day  My sister is coming on Sunday to visit so
 we would like everything to be in place.  Also this week we 
will finally take down the shutters.  Hurricanes are done ๐Ÿ™

Sniff is already gearing up for Halloween, and is
 wishing everyone a happy and safe one from now.

The successful warrior is the 
average man, with laser-like focus...


Oct 21, 2024

Monday October 21st~ ๐Ÿ’ž

 No one can be strong 100% of the
 time; the key is bouncing back...

Once again the new week is here.  Arvid and I have a 
busy day today.  We've rented a truck to move furniture 
into the house.  We're taking BIG pieces.  Today I need to be 
extra strong so a couple of Tylenols before we begin the job.  

Hopefully that will be enough.  My fear is always 
getting hurt by Arvid who is always in a rush and without 
wanting he usually pulls or pushes in his haste. I always 
worry about that, but always hope for the best.

That being said, we are looking forward to 
getting the house ready and what's one long day of 
work after all.  Just have to think of when we did this
 all the time  at Almost Home.  Moving furniture from
 one place to another.  Same deal here.  Yesterday
 I had my red snapper and it was very delicious.

Yesterday was another good outing.  Now 
we are ready and all set for the move today.

Today I also begin to pet sit two little kitties 
for my friend Gail  So excited about this.  Wishing 
everyone a good day.  For us busy is always best.

You will face many defeats in life,
 but never let yourself be defeated...


Oct 20, 2024

Sunday October 20~

Live and let live, do not judge, 
take life as it comes and deal with it...

 The men in Blue.  Protecting us even when we are not 
aware of it.  On land and on sea.  The public can choose when 
they take a call, but when you're a cop you gotta take 'em all.

Yesterday was a quiet day.  Always good to have a day with 
not much to do.  I did go to meet Gail's kitties.  Gail is Sniff's
 pet sitter and for a change I will be pet sitting her two kitties.
  Moses and Josie.  I met Josie.  Moses was hiding.  Will see 
how it goes.  Super excited to be able to do this for her.
Does she look like another kitty?  Like our Sniff ๐Ÿพ

Last night we watched movies and binged on snacks 
and Pepsi.  Perfect evening for us.  Sniff also got to watch 
some TV shows catering just for him.  He really loved it.

To all a good day.  It's Sunday the weather is beautiful and 
I'm in the mood for seafood.  More specifically red Snapper. 

Another big day for my sister Narima and her Bakery.
  Her business has exploded and we couldn't be more 
proud of her.  Good luck @Narima's Cakery

Life is a succession of lessons 
which must be lived to be understood...


Oct 19, 2024

Saturday October 19th

 You're not defined by your past; 
you're prepared by it. You're stronger, more
 experienced, and you have greater confidence...

The highlight of yesterday was Music Walk
 Downtown Fort Myers. If anything it was even 
better than ever.  People just wanted to forget and have
 some fun after all that has been going on lately ๐Ÿ‘

I heard people say things like,”imagine all of this 
was flooded just last week and look at it now.  It just
 can’t get any better.”  They were right.  There was some 
flooding but businesses opened up the very next day. 
 This time Fort Myers was spared.  Relief.

There were people/pets of every age group here.  We 
loved seeing the little kids having a great time, and
 just dancing away to the music.  Music is ageless.

Arvid and I started out at our usual spot, Hideaway Bar.  
The place was packed. We thought that because it was a little 
on the cooler side that's why most of the crowd was gathered
 there. Truth is there were people everywhere having fun.

After the first set of music we decided to walk 
around and check out the other spots.  Everywhere 
was packed. Seems like everyone was just fed up 
with all these hurricanes, tornadoes you name it and
 just decided to come out and have a good time.

The music was lively and fun.  There was a 
variety of different types of music.  I have to say
 last night was one in the best Music Walks ever; 
that we have been to. Everyone wanted to get 
out some of their stresses and just live life.

Everyone was having a great time.  Many were 
also already dressed for Halloween already.  Even the 
Blues Brothers made an appearance.  It was just fun. 
 Looking forward to the Halloween extravaganza.

Jesus made his usual appearance. As usual he 
was condemning everyone. Calling everyone a sinner. 
 He is one of my favorite characters during Music Walk.  
I really get a kick out of listening to him.  He’s so
 bizarre.  Everyone just stares at him and laughs.

We checked out most of the bands. All were good.  It 
was a beautiful evening. Filled with people enjoying life
 and at the same time grateful for all their blessings.

Aside from Music Walk I did a lot of cleaning
 and we had an “office” day to catch up with phone calls 
and paperwork. No working at the house yesterday.

Sniff as usual had lots of attention and lots of brushing. 
He also loves getting massages which I always give him 
lots of.  Last night he slept curled up to me the entire night.
  For seven hours I could hardly move, but I love it.

Saturday.  Today it’s a full day for Arvid with soccer. 
After a week of working almost everyday at the 
house it will be good to just do nothing today.
  Saturday is movie night. Always a good time.

Wishing everyone a good day.

Don’t settle for what life gives you; 
make life better and build something...


Oct 18, 2024

Friday October 18th~

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but 
in looking outward together in the same direction...

 A little cold front in Florida is BIG news.  Floridians are 
not really prepared for the cold.  That's why we live in Florida.  
At the same time one gets to wear sweaters and boots if only for
 a few days.  I remember when we lived in Fort Lauderdale 
I even saw many wearing Uggs, scarves, gloves 
the full nine yards in 60F (16C)  weather⛄

Arvid, Sniff and I are wimps.  We are also cold.  Arvid to 
me, "I can't stay out on the balcony for too long because it is 
really chilly out there."  He's wimpier than Sniff and I ๐Ÿ˜‚

Yesterday the weather was just perfect for an outdoor 
outing.  We made the most of it and had a great time.

It was blue skies everywhere with a cooler feel to the air.

After a long day "working" this was the perfect relaxation 
for us.  Good food, good drinks, and views.  Arvid of course 
was extra happy because they had his favorite beer, Landshark. 
 He's been very lucky here in Fort Myers in that most places
 carry Landshark.  He does not need much to be happy ๐Ÿ˜

All around us, the trees all appear to be burnt.  They aren't 
this is just them being in "shock" after Hurricane Milton.

It's Friday.  The weather is beautiful and the possibilities are endless.

The more easily you get offended, 
the less intelligent you are...


Oct 17, 2024

Thursday October 17th~

To me, every hour of the day and 
night is an unspeakably perfect miracle...

 A few days with cooler temperatures sure makes for a 
good sleep and for some very nice walks.  This being Florida, 
many are gearing with with firewood among other things.
  Cooler temperatures we Floridians are gearing up for
 was what my summer in Norway was.  Go figure.

On our walk I did not see all of my lil' wildlife friends, 
but I did see a few others in different spots.  They had foodies 
and hopefully when we head out again I will see more and more.  
The Hurricanes have scared them away, on the other hand, our eagles 
M15 and F23 (Lady) are doing great.  They are getting ready 
to have babies in the next month or so.  Happy times.

Yesterday I was in the mood for chocolate.  Lots of chocolate 
and one of my favorite chocolate mousse cakes is found not 
that far from us.  Brought it home and ate it all.  No regrets.

The sunset picture was taken yesterday at Fort Myers Beach 
(not by me).  The sunsets are definitely something else.  The 
boat is just of the the many that we see passing by on the 
River.  Taken from our bedroom window by yours truly.

It's Thursday and today I have a rest from cooking. 
 Happy about that.  To all a good day.  Another busy one
 here, but we're getting lots done .  Every day we make
 a little more progress just like these men and women 
working non-stop to restore power, electricity you 
name to the millions affected by the hurricanes.

The rest of the week will be sweater weather for us.

Happy Thursday all.  Remember, living might 
mean taking chances, but they're worth taking.

The road to success and the road to
 failure are almost exactly the same...


Oct 16, 2024

Wednesday October 16th~

Life is not always easy to live, but the opportunity to do 
so is a blessing beyond comprehension. In the process 
of living, we will face struggles, many of which will
 cause us to suffer and to experience pain...

 On our walk we came across many houses decorated for 
Halloween, but this one took the cake.  It just has everything
 going all at once.  You have no idea where to start looking. 
 I love seeing people live and enjoy life even in the face 
of all the tragic things going on around them๐Ÿ‘ป

It caught both of our attentions and we had a good laugh. 
 People will be people, and that's a good thing.  There is no
 Hurricane that will stop Halloween or whatever celebration 
comes.  Life is for the living and that's what matters most.

We've been lucky that we have been busy.  The days have 
been beautiful and cooler.  Yesterday was the official end of the
 rainy season for us, and this has been one very wet season.

Hurricane Ian in September of 2022 did much more damage 
to Fort Myers and Fort Myers Beach (FMB) compared to what
 Milton did, even so, there is lots of water/flood damage.  That
 being said, most businesses are already open.  Compared to Ian 
which took months and for many over a year to be back 
up and running.  Now Sarasota.. that's another story.

Wishing everyone a good day, and always 
remember to count your blessings.  What we 
take for granted someone else is praying for.

My life has been a blessing. I’m grateful 
for everything I do have and the places
 I’m going and the things I’ve seen...


Oct 15, 2024

Tuesday October 15th~

Today is a beautiful day to begin again...

 Every new day brings an opportunity to start again
 and make your dreams a reality. Instead of assuming that 
your fate is sealed solely based on one dreadful day, believe
 that the sun has set on your bad luck and that the new 
day will bring a bounty of beautiful moments.

After the last few days, we all need to look
 forward to a new day and to believe that there is 
something better waiting for us.  The last few days have
 been stressful, not so much for us, but for so many people 
affected directly by Hurricane Milton and not so long 
before by Hurricane Helene.  We all need a break.

Too early to say, but our weatherman Matt is keeping 
us posted.  Will there be a Nadine in the picture in the next 
week or so?  All I know is that right now the days are a bit
 cooler.  For now we enjoy that and take little walks again.

Yesterday we had a busy few hours.  Arvid more because 
he washed both cars.  Says it relaxes him.  We also enjoyed
 a nice walk, but it was sad to see how many trees were 
knocked down by Milton.  They look bare right now.

There will be bad days, but they won't be your 
every days. Believe that today will be better...
