Aug 3, 2019

The Lollapalooza Experience ~

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, 
flight to the imagination and life to everything. The 
world’s most famous and popular language is music...

A big part of what brought us to Chicago is the music. 
 Here the music never stops.  At every street corner 
you will find someone playing the Blues.

This weekend there is another festival taking place.

We have the best seat in the house.  Our balcony.

From the balcony we really have a good view.
 Not only of the park and its festivities, but also of the
lake and all the boats lined up to hear the music.

At 10 pm Central time the festivities in the park are over.
  As you can imagine the streets are packed.  The age
 group predominantly for this festival ranges from
 the teens, as in 13 year old to mid 20's.

Last night Arvid and I went to House of Blues Chicago.
 Music was good and I enjoyed a very pretty drink.

Like with most places, the city shines and comes to life at night.

To know the city you have to be willing to walk it, and that we do.

We are having beautiful days here in Chicago. 
Gorgeous weather and something happening everyday.
 Always something to do and see.  Wishing
everyone a Saturday to remember.

Life happens; attitude finds a way.  
I wake up with a good attitude every day...
