Aug 28, 2019

Wednesday In Chicago ~

Be kind to yourself, then let your kindness fill the world...

I have already had my coffee.  Fed and
brushed Sniff, who's already back in bed
with his dada.  Those two love their sleep.

I also saw some of the sunrise.  I love being awake early.  
Sometimes I would like to sleep in a bit longer, but
 for some reason it does not happen anymore.

The new day has already started and here in Chicago
 it is looking better than it did yesterday.  Suddenly it's blue 
skies again.  For at least today it's summer again. 
 Looking forward to what the day holds.

Good morning all.  Wishing you
all warm and sunny days as well.

At the end of the day I am thankful that
 my blessing are bigger than my problems...
