Mar 20, 2023

Monday March 20th ~

 A wise man once said: "Don't be afraid to start
 over again.  This time, you're not starting from
 scratch.  You're starting from experience...

 This  (above) is something both Arvid and I can really identify with. 
 I honestly do not wish to be starting all over again at this age. 
 I want to be settled in a place for more than 2-5 years.  Not 
sure why I am saying this now, but then I know Arvid.

The week begins again with a doctor's appointment.
  I am really looking forward to a little break from
 all of this.  Hopefully when we get to Branson, 
these appointments will not be as many.

Arvid is marking the days off in his calendar and reminding
 me everyday of how many days are left before we leave.  He's
 already started packing away the outdoor furniture.  I told
 him it was a little too soon, but he said not soon enough.

This week we will again be going into Fort Lauderdale.
 If I am lucky I can get to the Swap Shop and get my 
fruit and coconut water.  This is something I miss a
 lot in Fort Lauderdale.  Everything else I am 
good with and can live without.  For now.

Good morning all.  We begin the day on the chilly side,
 but that will soon change.  Happy first day of spring to all.  
Even though for many it continues to be very cold.

A friend who holds you accountable is better than a
 friend who will sit by and silently watch your bad habits 
destroy you.  Keep a real one around you.  Always...
