Mar 27, 2023

Monday March 27th ~

Yesterday ended last night.  It's a brand new day.  And it's yours...

 This will be our last Monday for now in Florida.  Come next 
Monday we will be waking up in Branson, Missouri, and if Arvid 
thought we were having some cold days here in Fort Myers, well 
wait until we get to Missouri.  Winter is still hanging on there.

All of that being said, we are definitely looking forward to being
 on the move again.  How strange it is that we keep on moving 
all the time.  As we get older we should "settle" down better.

I am missing my Brutus and our little Shadow right now. 
 I'm just so grateful to have Sniff is our lives.  He gives love 
everyday and makes me happy.  He is my happy place.

The next few months will be doctor free, at least that is
 what I was told.  My October calendar s already filling up
 with doctors visits, but for now I'm free as a bird.  Was 
starting to get me tired all these doctor's/tests/scans.

Monday is back.  Our last Monday here in Fort Myers.  It's 
looking good.  Summer is coming which means it will soon be 
time for Norway.  I look forward so very much to seeing the
 3 granddaughters.  Norway is not my favorite place to go to, 
but then it has some of my favorite people.  Conundrum 😂

May this be the beginning of a great week for all of us.  We 
have some busy days especially the last couple of days before
 we leave.  So much to do and the thing is you can't do them until the 
very end.  In the meantime, we continue to make the most of each day.

Never underestimate the power you 
have to take your life in a new direction...
