If you aim for nothing, you will hit it every time...
Even though we go in to work everyday, I still manage
to make lunch so that we can eat at home. I start early
in the mornings and finish it up when we get home
for lunch. I have a window of half an hour if so
long to finish up lunch. We're both hungry 😂.
Today I have not made anything for lunch. We plan on
checking out a place recommended by one of our tenants.
The grilled cheese sandwich is supposed to be amazing, and I
plan on trying it, that is if we don't change our minds and
go elsewhere. At least today I don't cook. Nice break.
The days are beautiful. Weather is great and lately
we have been running from one hotel to another.
Arvid and I are also part owners of a second
hotel here in Branson. Called the View.
It a very distinctive building. Very hard to miss.
It's really cute and looks like a castle.
My "baby" is and will always be Almost Home, but I am
wanting to run it on a daily basis. For now whatever needs to be
done we are helping with. Sniff is getting a little neglected. He still
gets brushing and playtime, but now everything is more rushed.
A long day awaits us again, but the end result is worth it.
My day always begins on a beautiful note.
If you don't build your dream,
someone will hire you to build theirs...