Jun 27, 2023

Tuesday June 27th~

Sometimes it feels like my life is just one long day...

 June is soon over, and we could not be any happier
 about that🙌.  For us it has been a LONG month.  Going 
back and working at Almost Home has not been that easy this 
time around.  We still do what we have to, but boy our body sure 
aches at the end of the day. Age is catching up on all of us😂

Food has a way of making me forget about my
 long days, about the body aches and everything else,
 at least for a little.  Those outings we have together 
always relaxed us and recharges us.  Just thinking 
about food and I am already smiling.  Happy

The next time I am bored and I want a job, I will
 think of this past month, and who knows maybe then my
 desire to have a job won't be so great, although I doubt it.

Just the knowledge that a good book is waiting one
 at the end of a long day makes that day happier...
