May 17, 2024

May 17th ~ Happy Birthday to our Brutus and Shadow ❤

 Life has a way of humbling us, and anytime I felt I 
mastered this game of life, it proved me wrong. So, my 
advice is to live this life to the fullest and make your 
existence count. When you complete this journey,
 don't depart without leaving your marks...

The day is starting out bright and warm just the way 
we like it, and it only will get warmer.  I won't mind 
a little cooler air every once in a while as well😂.

May 17th is the day we choose to celebrate Brutus 
and Shadows birthday.  Brutus would have been 18 years old 
today had he lived.  He died when he was only 9 years old.

Shadow would have been all of nine years old today.  
We only had him for four months when he died. 
 That little boy never even made it to one year💔 

I was not ready to let you go.  I don't think I ever will. I miss
 our Brutus a lot.  He will forever be my baby just like Sniff is. 
 My Brutus took a piece of my heart. I will miss you for the 
rest of my life, but grateful for the time we had with you

Wishing everyone a very good day.   Today I am 
thinking of our Brutus and Shadow.  I do miss them, 
but Sniff has also filled our lives with happiness.  For all I 
have had and still have, I am thankful.  I am also thankful
 for my five California kitties.  I loved them all.

Time only teaches us to conceal our pain from 
others and we learn to grieve all by ourselves.

The sun rises each day no matter what.

If you have ever lost a loved one, then you 
know exactly how it feels.  And if you have not, 
then you possibly cannot imagine it..
