May 15, 2024

Wednesday May 15th~

 You define your own life.  Don't let 
other people write your script...

As we continue to "monitor" the demolition progress, 
Sniff got tired and decided to just take it easy and sit this
 one out.  He has been quite vigilant.  Just like his dada.

The buildings are totally down.  Now it's clean up/debris 
removal and then hopefully permits will be given soon by the
 city to begin construction of the re-construction of the marina.

My Sniff is my little shadow and I love it.  When he's awake he 
follows me everywhere, but if Arvid is around then it's a toss-up.

Here's a little throwback.  Long time ago in Fort Myers.

Another very pretty sunrise by the pool deck this morning.

Also another busy day for these two.  Arvid never 
gives up, Sniff on the other hand likes his snooze time.

Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according 
to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations
 and opinions of others. Don't just learn, experience...
