May 13, 2024

Monday May 13th~ New Week

A new day: Be open enough to see opportunities. Be wise 
enough to be grateful. Be courageous enough to be happy...

Once again a new week begins.  Time just seems to 
be going by so fast.  With each passing day Sniff gets more
 and more attached to us.  I'm really worried about leaving 
him alone.  I know I am a bit "crazy," but I feel as if if 
left alone he will be heartbroken.  Not to mention me.

On Saturday Arvid and I ventured out to a new venue. 
 We went to listen to music and the performing artis was none 
other than a 13 year old boy named Champ Jaxon.  He was 
excellent and we definitely plan on going back to see him.

 The place itself is a cool place.  Huge outdoor seating 
as well as indoor. This pickup is part of its attraction.  
At nights it changes colors.  Very cool looking.

Little by little we are discovering new places, and we
 are really liking them.  SWFL so far has been good to us.

Wishing everyone a great start of the week, and may the 
rest of the week be a productive and successful one.

Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow...
