Apr 6, 2019

Saturday ~

Missing someone is not about how long it has been 
since you have seen them or the amount of time since you
 talked.  It is about that very moment when you're doing
 something and wishing they were there with you...

Nothing better than starting my day with my kitties 
and my cafe.  Brutus and Shadow are no longer 
with us, but in my heart they live on forever.  

Sniff is here and he makes us happy.  I miss 
Brutus so much, but it is what it is.  Life.

It's been a busy week on the waterways.  Boats passing 
by all day long.  Makes for interesting times on the 
balcony.  Arvid sure finds relaxation when there.

February and March were busy months. They always are.
 Suddenly April is less hectic.  Gives us time to do a
 few fun things again.  I enjoy small day trips or a
 weekend getaway rather than be gone for weeks. 

Always fun and relaxing.  Plus this way we don't have
 to leave Sniff for too long.  I hate the thought of having to
 leave him for so long in the summer.  I really don't want to.

Wishing everyone a happy Saturday.  May your 
weekend be filled with wonder and all things amazing.
  Remember, it does not matter where you are or what you do.  
What matters is to live life like someone left the door open.  
Whatever it is you do.  Enjoy it.  Have fun and make memories.

No matter where we go, the sunsets are always beautiful.

You don't stop having fun when you get old.
  You get old when you stop having fun...
