Mar 9, 2022

Wednesday March 9th ~

 A flower cannot blossom without sunshine,
 and man cannot live without love...

Even though the cold is back, I know spring is struggling
 to make its' presence.  Tiny little flowers 🌼are blooming,
 and that is already a good sign that the warmer weather is
 approaching, also pollen is around the corner.  You have
 to take the good with the not so good.  Called life.

Life is busy.  Some days I just feel like it's a little too much.  I feel
 as if there is a lot of pressure on me, Arvid says I put that pressure 
on me.  On the other hand, it's just the way I am.  When there is
 something to do, I don't feel comfortable just taking off.

Sniff is not having any of that.  He's relaxed happy and 
always enjoying his heating bed.  Yes, its been very cold these 
last few days.  Friday snow is predicted.  Hope that's wrong.

A blooming flower means nature is beaming...
