Jun 1, 2024

June 1st~ Summer is Soon Here

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, 
neither does bathing; that’s why we recommend it daily...

The beginning of a new month brings with it so much 
potential for great things. Whether you’re taking on a new project, 
developing a new habit, or dreaming up new adventures, the
 start of a new month is the perfect time to kick it off. 

For us this new month brings a few cool happenings to us.  
A little fun and a little business always a good combination. 
 Both Arvid and I look forward to what the month holds.
We kick off the month with a concert.  Very excited.

Weatherwise it is HOT! no walking in our days lately.
  Not good, but on the other hand we have the choice to use the
 gym, which we have not been doing 😞at all. Even so, I went
 to the outlet mall.  I had a good time walking around.  I do enjoy
 my alone time.  Arvid was still in Sebring at his trade meeting.

I found a few things so overall it was a good day, plus 
I got a little exercise by just walking around the stores.  
This outlet has many fountains.  I spent a lot of time looking 
at them. Last time I was there they were not up and running.
  This was after Hurricane Ian, but today it's back to "normal"

There is also a "pond" with turtles and  koi fish.  Pretty cool. 
 Quite a few restaurants as well.  For a few hours it was good.

Wishing everyone a June to remember.  Summer is here, means
 vacation time is coming soon.  We get to see our grand-daughters
 and the rest of the family soon.  Yes, this is a good month. It is the
 beginning of good things to come.  June paves the way for summer.

 Be humble. Be hungry. And always
 be the hardest worker in the room...
