Feb 15, 2011

You Only Live Once:)

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make....live for today for tomorrow may never come...

You only live once so enjoy yourself....it's later than you think....sounds a bit dramatic but, it is true.  Life is short and it's made to be lived.  How many times have you heard someone say "oh I wish I would have done so and so when I had the chance" or I wish I would have gone to this place when we had the chance....

I hear people saying this so often sometimes I wonder if they are really serious when they actually say they want to do so and so.

I have come across too many people that all they do is talk and talk and that's IT!  Lots of hot air coming out of their mouths and none of it is worth zilch!!!

For instance my girlfriend is always telling me how she wishes she could travel more.  She says she wants to got to Paris, to Rome to The Grand Canyon and all these exotic places Arvid and I go to but....and yes there is always a but....she's makes all these plans and I get all excited for her when all of a sudden.....NOTHING!! IT WAS ALL TALK!!  Sometimes plans we have together never pan out either because she cancels at the last minute...very frustrating at times....

For many it has to do a lot with their financial situation and this is understandable but, my girlfriend is "single" money is not her problem.....if anyone can go places and do whatever pleases them it's her yet all she does is talk about it and laments the fact that she regrets not having done anything....

Deep down I suspect she is either scared to try things on her own, she does not wish to use her money on so called "frivolous" things or she is just a talker like most people....You will never find time for anything.  If you want time you must make it. 

For those of you who can afford to do the things you want to do and if you have the time...my suggestion is to go ahead and do it.  Don't wait until it's too late and when all you have is regrets and disappointments of not having lived and enjoyed your life to the best and fullest....How great would it be to say:

I have no regrets in my life. I think that everything happens to you for a reason. The hard times that you go through build character, making you a much stronger person

In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away