Nov 9, 2020

Monday ~

When you arise in the morning think of what
 a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love...

A new week once again begins.  New times ahead.  New President. 
 All is good in our world.  How about in your part of the world?  
Sniff is back to being himself, so happy times are once again
 here.  When Sniff does not feel OK, I'm very stressed.

Arvid is an optimist.  I like that, but at times I
 think he forgets to live in the "real" world.  For instance,
 we have been having rain just about everyday, yet
 he says to everyone "it hardly rains here."

I don't mind the rain, but at the same time I don't like it all
 the time either.  It interferes with my routines in the mornings
 and then "my" kitties do not get their foodies.  Yesterday morning
 it was torrential rain.  Kitties sadly had nothing from me 😭

I'm sure someone was waiting for me.  To make me feel
 better I say to myself, "they need to hunt for food"  Because 
when we leave, they need to be able to find food on their own. 
 I do not want to make them dependent on me, but still 
I feel terrible if I don't give them foodies one day.

Happy new week to all.  Once again COVID is rampant
 in the United States of America and other parts of the
 world.  When will this "nonsense/craziness" end?

Mondays are the start of the work week 
which offer new beginnings 52 times a year...
