Nov 1, 2020

November 1st ~ A New Month Begins

 Whatever the new month is bringing for you,
be it good or bad; always keep that smile 
on your face no matter what...

November, here’s to a month of possibilities, 
overcoming challenges and all-round success.  We have
 all been living through some very unusual times.  Here
 is hoping that life soon goes back to a semblance of
 "normal"  Today I am not sure what "normal" is
 anymore.  We are all living the "new normal"

The above was November 2015.  I was giving Brutus
 his medicines.  How was I supposed to know that he only
 had days left to live.  I miss him so very much. Soon it will 
be five years without our Brutus.  I'm not over it.

But as November begins, we all look forward to 
better times ahead.  We look forward to the day we
 will see our families again, and to the day the world is a
 better place for all.  November, please be kind to us,
 for everyone needs a little pick me up right now.

Last night Arvid looked at me and said, "I don't miss
 Florida one bit.  I have not even thought about it.  Isn't that
 strange?"  I said to him exactly the same thing.  I do not
 miss it one bit, and that's weird.  He said this is the 
first time I am not wanting to go home.

No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today,
 life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow...
