Dec 24, 2020

Zoom Time ~

Technology like art is a soaring 
exercise of the human imagination...

What better Christmas present than to "see" all
 your family in one spot.  Technology is am amazing thing.
  Yes, at times it is also dangerous, but today it is exactly 
what I am grateful for.  Today in just a short time
 we will see all my family.  Thank you Zoom

Nina and family set it up, and we couldn't be happier.
  I'm so excited I just don't know what to do until 
"the time"  We had a test run, and it works!!!

Merry Christmas all, and I hope everyone gets the 
opportunity to connect and see family during these 
holidays.  If it's not in person, then there are many 
options.  All we have to do is go for it.  Thank
 you Nina and David from now for doing this.

Technology is best when it brings people together...
