May 17, 2018

Happy Birthday In Heaven Brutus And Shadow ~

The most painful tears are not the ones that fall from 
your eyes and cover your face, it's the ones that 
fall from your heart and cover your soul...

Perhaps the greatest gift an animal has to offer 
is a permanent reminder of who we really are.

I will never stop saying that the day Brutus came into our
lives was one of the best days ever.  Today our little baby would
 have turned 12.  Brutus died when he was only 9 years old.

Both Arvid and I were hoping for so many more with him,
but the 9 years we had will forever be one of the best times of our
 lives and the memories we have of Brutus will never be gone from
 our hearts.  He was my baby and I will forever miss him.

I will always say, Brutus made Arvid a better person. Being a cat
lover and having had cats before, I knew exactly what was going
 to happen, but seeing Arvid change and become a more patient, caring
 and nurturing person right before my eyes was something amazing.
 Arvid is a new person and he himself will tell you that it is due
 to Brutus.  May 17th will always be special to me.

Today little shadow would have also turned 3.  He never made it to
his first birthday, but for the short time we had him with us, he was
fierce and fearless.  I hope today Shadow and Brutus are together
over the so called Rainbow Bridge.  Playing and having fun,
knowing that their mama and dada loves them very much.

Happy birthday Brutus and Shadow.  Mama and dada love 
you forever. As the saying goes, until one has loved
 an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.

Wishing you all a good day and remember.  
Grab life by the tail, and then pet it.

Your pet is not your friend.  It is your hostage.
When I am feeling low, all I have to do was watch Brutus, 
Shadow and  now Sniff and my courage returns....
