May 6, 2021

Thursday May 6th ~

 Your best life will not be found in comfort.  It will
 be found in fighting for what you believe in...

Yesterday I was supposed to get my second
 Covid vaccine shot.  and  Arvid his today.  As
 I told my mom, "we are all now soon fully
 vaccinated, feels like cattle being branded." 

Did not work out that way.  Due to a "little" 
misunderstanding, I did not get mine yesterday.  We 
drove one hour to my Walgreens location for nothing.  

On the bright side the drive was scenic as long as 
you did not drive into any of the hundreds of holes 
on the road, but as Arvid said, "I now know where 
the holes are."  Always positive and optimistic.  

Soon Pfizer says the vaccine will be authorized 
for those 12-15 years off age as well.  Supposedly 
the more people vaccinated the better are the 
chances of controlling Covid. Doing our part.

Back on track today for the vaccine.  Driving an 
hour again later this morning, and later this afternoon
 Arvid will also get his.  His Walgreens is only 10 minutes
 from home.  I was not able to get us both at the same
 location and same time, but works for us.

 The "boys" are still asleep.  I have already walked, 
showered and halfway into my cafe.  Already a
 beautiful Thursday here.  Happy day to all.

Some people don't understand that sitting in 
your own house alone in peace, eating snacks and
 minding your own business is priceless...
