Jul 21, 2010

Alone Time...

Inside myself is a place where I live all alone, and that's where I renew my springs that never dry up.....

Being able to share your life with that someone special is truly one of the best joys I have experienced... as I can imagine so has many of you that have that someone special you can count on and know that no matter what they will be there for you.

But....if I were honest with myself (and I always am), I have to also admit to love having some time for just me...call it my alone time.  I am sure Arvid likes it also...but this is my blog so will focus on how much I appreciate it...haha!!

We do just about everything together, and don't get me wrong I do love it.  I enjoy every moment but, there comes a time when there are certain things I like and he does not and vice versa...then it is OK to have some time alone.

Being alone for a few days also makes us appreciate each other more...never take each other for granted...that's the secret of happiness.

With Arvid not here for a few days I get to take my time and do some stuff I really enjoy...just browsing the malls for instance without hearing "are you done"?

I get to try out some restaurants I want...not just the same ones we frequent all the time.  I may find out that it is not to my liking but so what at least I tried it....truth there is nothing I would not do with him but the opportunity to just being able to do it without fretting about rushing home to do so and so is nice for a change....

It means I work more but I do everything at a much faster pace just so that I can have some free time to do some fun things.....

Going to see a movie he may not like...that's fun to me.....but, after all is said and done.............the best times of my life are those shared with Arvid.....

Here I am sitting all alone in our apartment...Arvid barely gone for a couple hours and it is so quiet....so very quiet......  He's my soul mate and the man I want to spend forever with....Everyone says that you only fall in love once, but that's not true, every time I hear his voice I fall in love all over again.

In a soulmate we find not company but a completed solitude.

in Arvid I have found that soulmate...

until next time...