Every storm runs out of rain, just like every dark night turns into day…
As October begins all I can say is thank you.
It could have been so much worse for us. Compared
to so many in the area, we are doing good.
We managed to find an open restaurant this morning.
We had a delicious breakfast. That being said,
October could have been worse.
We live in Fort Myers. The devastation around
us is unimaginable. So many lost everything.
Though we have no power we had running water until 20 minutes ago.
The generators out of diesel fuel. We’re on our own now.
I have no way of “organizing” this post. Without internet
it’s difficult but, I just want everyone to know we are doing well.
We hope power is restored soon. In the meantime we wait.
With each new sunset comes an opportunity to reset.
If we never had any storms, we couldn’t appreciate the sunshine.,,