Apr 7, 2017

Hello Friday ~

Optimism s a happiness magnet.  If you stay positive
good things and good people will be drawn to you...

Yesterday was brighter and  a little warmer.  Made everything look and
 feel better, at least as far as I was concerned.  Work was quiet for a change.
  Not too many unexpected events happening yesterday so I had time 
to catch up on some other stuff that needed to be done.

  Arvid and I did some errands, and grabbed a fast lunch before heading
 back to work.   Usually work errands we do on Sundays, but since
it was a mostly quiet time we made the most of the day. 

Here at Almost Home the trees are starting to get leaves and are green already.
  Tony our maintenance/property manager has already mowed the grass twice.  He has 
also planted grass seeds, and makes sure our grounds look immaculate. Yep! 
getting ready for green grass, flowers and that sort.  Soon we hope to
 have the pool at Almost Home reopened.  Everyone sure is looking 
forward to that day, so am I have not seen the pool as yet.

At Arvids place all "projects" as he calls it have been completed, and since 
the rooms are all occupied there in no "projects" as of now, but Arvid being
 Arvid always finds something to do.  Never a dull moment here.  

I love my "job" but it sure feels good when Friday is here and I leave a little early
 to do something just for me.  Today I hope to go shoe shopping.  Most likely 
will end up with no shoes, but at least I would have had an outing.  
Also on Friday's I will be trying to do my Indian buffet. 
 Hopefully will make it there today.  Alone!

Sniff is doing good.  Getting fussy at times, but nowhere as fussy as Brutus.
  Brutus was spoilt!  I would do it all over again.  I miss my Brutus.  I get so very
 angry when I think of what happened to Shadow.  One day I know
 it will be better.  When I think of Brutus, my heart just breaks
 all over again.  I miss them and that's all there is to say.

Life is good.  Busy, hectic at times but we love it.  Yesterday ended not so quietly.
  As always with this business one never knows what will happen minute to 
minute.  I am very selective as is Arvid as to who we bring into our hotel.  It is 
after all home to many.  The place where they feel safe and protected.
  We always try to make sure we choose/screen right.  Every so often 
like with anything else, stuff happens, but we learn from it.

As mentioned many times, everyday is a learning experience.  Today is 
looking good. Fridays are usually busier both at Arvid's place and mine.  Makes 
for interesting times and definitely a fast day.  Can't believe it is already Friday.

To all a good day and a happy weekend ahead.

The only limits in life are the ones you make...
