Aug 9, 2012

Cuteness...Cat Planking

It is impossible to keep a straight face in the presence of one or more kittens.....

Many of my blogs deal with cats and the cuteness of them just being kitties.  Well here is another post.  This time about the various ways in which they fall asleep. 

The cat is above all things, a dramatist.  If you own a kitty cat you will definitely agree with me that they do have the most unusual ways of falling asleep.  For them it does not matter the space nor the location.  All that matters is its time to sleep and they will manage to do so.  Kitties have a way of putting their "worries" and "troubles" aside when it's sleepy time and at the same time amusing us mere humans.

Just take a look at these different sleeping positions and tell me if don't agree? 

 There are few things in life more heartwarming than to be welcomed by a cat...

Cats do care.  For example they know instinctively what time we have to be at work in the morning and they wake us up twenty minutes before the alarm goes off......

Cats have perfected the fine art of PLANKING...Formally called “the laying down game,” it has encouraged people to produce surprising and surreal images that have entertained millions. 

 The cat seldom interferes with other people's rights.  His intelligence keeps him from doing many of the fool things that complicate life....  

  Cats come and go without ever leaving.  Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want....  

Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose...

Just looking at these different planking positions these cats have bring a smile to my face and I bet to yours also.  Kitties have their own special way of making all the daily tensions in life sort of fade away for awhile.  At least Brutus is capable of making Arvid and I relax, take time off from our daily schedule and just pet him and gently stroke him.  That's sometimes the best part of the day because by doing that we are stress free.

What greater gift than the love of a cat?
