Mar 20, 2013

So They say...

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well..

I have a sister who would definitely approve of this juice.  She tries to make us all eat and drink healthier and for that I am lucky.  She juices every other day and is in tip top shape.

I always promise to follow suit, but sadly I am a weakling when it comes to eating and so much of what I eat is probably considered a no no...sigh.  I also tried the juicing thing. Bought this very nice machine.  Was good at using it for a whole month.  Then I got tired of it.  gave it to an aunt and now I got me a simple version from Bed Bath and Beyond.  Has not been used in over six months, but for those who want great skin do try this.   I'm on my way to the store to get the ingredients...
By the way the cutie in the background is my niece, Kimsy :)

Cheers to healthy thoughts and heathly foods!

The doctor of the future will give no medication,
 but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, 
diet and in the cause and prevention of disease...
