Apr 16, 2013

All For The Music...

You never know until you try, so never say no, 
because you might just pass an opportunity by..

The results of a day that was good!

 Every so often it was time to elevate the leg/foot.
We carried our own little stool and it worked out great.
Serious sun burn did not matter.  There is no stopping this man when it comes to music.
The first day was cloudy and windy.  Perfect for sitting in a park listening to music.
The following day was HOT!  Day of mayor sun burn for us.  

The good thing is we go to the Pier, walk around a bit and have a good lunch
in  an air conditioned restaurant while still listening to the music.

As I said Tampa Bay Blues is a favorite of ours, even though I am always HOT!

This year we minimized the walking a bit by making use of the Trolley.
Less time in the heat and also good for Arvid, whose foot is still swollen.
Next Blues is in Chicago...

Now to do some work and catch up on what's been going on
while we were away.  Arvid to me, "I think we can start going to listen to music again".
He loves his music.
Have a good day everyone.

He never says no to music...
Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy, enjoy life...