Nov 26, 2020

Thursday November 26th Thanksgiving 2020 ~

 If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," 
that would suffice...Thanksgiving is the holiday of peace,
 the celebration of work and the simple life... a true folk-festival 
that speaks the poetry of the turn of the seasons, the beauty 
of seedtime and harvest, the ripe product of the year - and 
the deep,  deep connection of all these things with God..

Nothing is "the usual" this year.  2020 is the year of 
COVID where you don't know what to expect.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and if 
you’re like most Americans, you may be wondering
 how on earth you’re going to celebrate this year.

Thanksgiving is a time where families and friend get
 together for a big celebratory meal.  Time for family and to 
enjoy each other's company while enjoying a feast.

However, this year many traditions will be put
 on hold. Many people will be spending the holiday
 away from family and friends due to COVID-19
related travel restrictions or safety concerns. 

Many will do the virtual family gathering.  Neither
 Arvid nor I are much for that, but fortunately this year 
we will get the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving
 with family.  Nirvana, J and Kimsy. Happy!

For us it's has already been a good Thanksgiving. 
Though it would have been the best to be with the 
entire family, I will take what has been given as
 a special gift and for that I am grateful. 

Somedays I wish I could go back in life.  Not to
 change anything, but to feel a few things twice...

If you count all your assets, you always show a profit.

~Happy Thanksgiving 2020~
