Mar 19, 2015

Thursday Already...

When life puts you in tough situations
Don't say "why me"
Just say, "try me"...

Most mornings I wake up to a sky all lit us with different colors of sunshine.

This morning was no different.  I am awake with Brutus and together we watch the 
sun rise as I have my coffee and enjoy some quiet reading.  Some days like yesterday,
I was awake earlier than I would like.  4;30am  is a little too early for me.  Today I did better.

Early in the morning is a good time to check out the latest fashions and to catch up on some
so not needed celebrity gossip.  I relax, I enjoy the sunrise and then ready for the day.

It is already Thursday.  The days are flying by so fast.  Before we know it, it will be time 
to go to Norway.  Time to leave my little Brutus for way too long, but for now it's
 time to soon start the days chores and to catch up with some much needed
 to do work.  Life can't always be a beach. So let's do it!

I wish you a tolerable Thursday. That's all any of us can hope for..
