Aug 2, 2021

Monday August 2nd ~

 Attitude determines the altitude of life...

On Sundays I do not go out early in the mornings 
😔 though I am awake I have made the difficult 
choice to not feed the kitties on this day. Though
 it's difficult I make the effort to stay in 😔

 Both Arvid and I agreed that in the long run this 
will be best for them.  It really was Arvids suggestion.

 One day when we leave they need to know how to get
 their food and not depend on me so much 😔. Trust me, 
I am ready to jump out of bed and go. This is every Sunday. 
When Arvid was in Norway I went out 7 days a week and 
gave them foodies. Now I stick to our agreement 😟

Saturday we went to the movies. I wanted to go 
see it when Arvid was in Norway, but he said to wait
 for him 😊 always better when we do it together.

It was so cold in the movie theater that Arvid 
choose to wear his mask. Said it keeps his face warm.
  He also had on a long sleeve sweater,  some heavy 
jeans and another sweater over the sweater.  

Said next time he’s also taking his leather
jacket 🤐It was really cold  even I have to be
 better prepared next time.  The movie was 
entertains and completely unrealistic 😀

This morning I trapped Reba, who is actually a
 boy so is now Rocco.  He's already at the vet 
and I will bring him home on Thursday.  

Already a productive week for me.  One cat a week 
 is what I aim for.  If I trap more, then I am happy.

To all a great week.  Looking good on our end 😀

The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday
 regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day...
