Jan 8, 2015

Something To Think About....

Someone once said that death is not the greatest loss in life.
The greatest loss is what dies inside of us while we are still alive...

To those who have lost their pets.  This in no way makes up for the loss.
As far as I am concerned nothing ever will and I know because I have also lost 5 fur babies. 

A very good friend of mine shared this with me.  Like me, and like the millions out 
there, she has also lost a fur baby.  Reading this made me sad.  Made me think of what life 
would be without Brutus and just the thought of it was enough to have me bawling like a baby.

They are supposed to be words of comfort in some ways, but right now all I feel is a huge 
emptiness and it brings back in full swing the losses I have had and not only of pets, 
but of people in my life I have loved and cared for.  Today I spent time wondering 
about what life would or could have been under different circumstances. 
 I would not change what Arvid, Brutus and I have for anything but still...
sometimes the mind wanders and the heart skips a beat.

Loss or no loss life continues.  We want to or not we are still alive and from experience I will
 tell you that you have choices that are entirely up to you.  You either give up, give in, or give it
 all you've got.  Never a quitter I fight back always, giving it my best shot.  Always.  No excuses.

You may lose the people you love, you may lose the things you have.
No matter what happens, NEVER LOSE YOURSELF....
