Nov 18, 2023

Saturday November 18th ~

A positive attitude is not naïve, and it does not sugarcoat
 problems.  Rather, it sees and acknowledges problems and 
then focuses on finding solutions and opportunities. It looks for
 the opportunity within the problem. A positive attitude is habit-
forming, and it has an impact on you and people around you...

 Friday came and Friday went and that being said I am 
done with the low iodine "diet", body scan and everything
 for now related to thyroid cancer.  That is until my next 
check up.  I feel good and I know all will be good.

Going to the hospital has been a pleasant experience for me. 
 Everyone is very nice and I happen to always find someone I 
can start up a conversation with.   Plus Christmas is everywhere. 
 Makes it a happy place under sometimes not so happy times.

The best part of the day was being able to go out
 for lunch and have anything I wanted.  I did not have to 
take my own special foods.  It was a delicious outing.  I was 
able to have a regular ginger salad with all the trimmings and a  
"regular" entree. I was HAPPY!  Food makes me happy.

Today I had my "first" taste of coffee in 20 days.  
Coffee did not sit so well in my stomach.  Tomorrow is 
another day to give it another chance.  For now just happy 
I am back to "normal" routines as far as eating goes.

Last night was my last night sleeping in the second
 bedroom.  Tonight I can go back into our bedroom and pull
 all the covers as Arvid loves to say 😉  Sniff can now 
also sleep in the bedroom together with both of us.

When you have expectations, you are
 setting yourself up for disappointment...
