Jan 12, 2016

One Day At A Time For Now...

Life is like riding a bicycle, 
in order to keep your balance you must keep moving...

Woke up early to make it early to the lab for my blood work.  Little on the chilly side, and 
of course it was wet. Again, but I got there early and I was done pretty much within a 
half hour.  If you don't have an appointment the best thing to do is to show up as
 soon as the doors open.  Even though I was early there was already a line
 of 5 people waiting.  They know the secret as well.

Shadow was awake with me by 6:15 wanting his foodies.  Yesterday as we were 
having lunch he jumped on the table and snagged a piece of my chicken.  Next thing you
 know I was making him chicken, without seasoning of course.  He ate an entire chicken tender.

Will have to ask the vet about this.  Not sure if "people" food is best for him. Aside from fruit, 
Brutus loved Norwegian Shrimp.  Nothing else.  Shadow loves everything even cardboard.

We just came back from the vet.  Shadow seems to have an allergy to something, but not
sure exactly what so he will have to continue an even stricter grain free regimen. None of us
will be liking this.  The doctor prescribed medication, but with all the possible side effects
 neither Arvid nor I are willing to give it to him right now.  Not after what happened to Brutus.

It is still wet outside and fairly windy and cold for us.  Shadow having to be on medicine
 is just bringing back all the bad things Brutus had to go through.  We just hope
that it is nothing serious even though the itching has been going on since we
brought him home with us.  Of course I am a little freaked out.

Yesterday evening I had a really difficult time.  I was working and suddenly
 I felt the need to see Brutus.  To hold Brutus.  To touch Brutus.  The skin under my
eyes are so thin and raw that it hurts with the slightest of touch.  I did not think I had more
tears, but everyday I am proven wrong.  One day I hope it gets better.  I really do.

Wishing you all a good day.  Still many thing to do and take care of, but for
 now time to start thinking about making lunch.  One day at a time for now.

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain
Brutus...I miss you a little too much a little too often, and a little more everyday...
