Jan 3, 2021

Windy Start Of 2021 ! Happy Day Everyone


It's all short, sweet and simple, but it's all a moments worth.
Time is not measured by clocks, but by moments...

Yesterday was my first walk for the year.  I did not go out walking 
on January 1st because it was not too easy waking up that early. 
 Was very tired from the night before, but now I am feeling good 
again and hopefully will be walking on a more regular basis.

Yesterday I saw Shy Boy waiting for me, and then I saw the twins.  
They all had foodies plus a few of the newbies.  On my way back 
up, Grey was just sitting and looking.  Grey rarely eats when
 I leave him/her food.  I figure she is fed somewhere else.

Also, there are times when Shy Boy and the Twins do not
 eat much.  My guess is that someone else also gives them
 food.  For that I am happy, very happy.  Even so, they
 wait for me all the time in their designated spots.

2021 started out very windy, but I am liking it. 
 I like to feel the wind on my face as I walk, and I do
get a kick of my hair going crazy with the wind.

I also drove to my sister's.  It felt great to drive on
 my own,  blast my music 🎶 and for a change I found 
my way around without problems.  For most this is just
 how it is.  Not for me.  Directions is not my strength.  I get
 "lost" just about constantly.  Arvid is usually my GPS.

When I got to my sister's Juan, J and Kimsy's dad was 
already there.  Once again he came in one of his very 
cool cars, but so far my favorite is still the Alfa Romeo.  
This one though was super cute, and very tiny.

J was very insistent he was going to take me and
 everyone else out for coconuts.  That was one of the things
 he talked about on New Years Eve, and when I got there
 it was time to go hunting for the coconut man.  

Being Covid times, not always a guarantee, but we sure 
found him, and we all had coconuts.  I am loving all this
 time spending with Nirvana, J and Kimsy.  It will forever be 
stored in my memory bank.  I am grateful and happy for every
 moment.  In our case, Covid brought us to Puerto Rico 💙

Sunday.  Arvid is not here.  Usually by now he would 
be calling family in Norway.  Today he does it from Florida.  
We can always look for the bad things in life, but when we 
stop, we realize that the good overpowers the "bad"

Happy day to all.  Beautiful and windy in the Isle of Enchantment.
  Puerto Rico had definitely cast its spell on us.  Love, love.

Here's to the moments when you realize
 the simple things are wonderful and enough...
