Oct 12, 2021

Tuesday October 12th ~

 You have to fight through some bad days
 to earn the best days of your life...

It has already been an absolutely wet start of the week.  
The worst part is that it rains torrentially exactly at the hour 
I usually go out to feed the kitties.  I did go out yesterday.  I 
was soaking wet.  There were a few minutes within that hour
 that the rain eased off a bit.  Didn't stop just slowed down.

As I steeped out the front entrance, Rascal was there hiding
 under one of the cars in the parking lot.  Mama not there.  
It was wet.  She was somewhere else hiding.  Smart one.

I did walk up the hill to where the other kitties would be.
  None there, and why should they it was pouring.  As I was 
heading back to our building MacGyver runs along.  I gave him 
some foodies, but even he had to leave because of the rain.

So I waited it out again.  Then it slowed for a little. 
 I went back up the hill.  There was Milo, Shygirl, Marbles 
and MacGyver.  They ate foodies and then I went 
looking for Rocco, Spitfire, Baby and Senior.

Eventually Rocco appeared.  Very scared.  Seems
 his little adventure in the shed shook him up.  I called
 him and he came, but then suddenly it started to pour 
again.  I did manage to leave Rocco some foodies
 which he found and ate.  I left it under the hedge.

Rocco is all cleaned up.  His coat is back to being all
 white and clean.  Looks like the handsome Rocco he is.

Got back home soaked.  Not too happy with this rain at 
that hour of the day.  Says rain all week long.  Have to find 
another time to get food for the kitties.  In the meantime, Sniff 
not so happy with the thunder, but he's home safe and dry.

This morning I went before 6 am to do my blood work. 
 Did not get back home until after 8 am. Took a long time, didn't 
help that one of the ladies in the line passed out.  Progress is slow. 
 The lady was all right.  Just hungry I guess.  Low blood sugar.

As I was heading out this morning I was met by some 
of the kitties.  Of course I had food in the car for them,
 just incase they showed up.  No Spitfire nor Senior
 yesterday nor today.  Mama was not around either

To all a good day.  Make it an amazing one.

Each new day is better than the last...
