Sep 28, 2023

September 28th ~ One Year Ago

Life consists not in holding good cards
 but in playing those you hold well...

Today marks one year since hurricane Ian devastated Florida, 
mainly Forth Myers.  Arvid, Sniff and I had just moved there a little
 over a week.  Little did we know what was coming our way.

 Looking forward to going back to Fort Myers Beach and checking
 out the progress made after Hurricane Ian basically destroyed it last year.  
It's been a year now.  This picture below was February 2023.  Hurricane Ian's 
deadly path through Fort Myers was September 28th 2022.  September
 28th 2022  I was also diagnosed with breast cancer.  September 
28th 2023, Sniff and I are flying home to Fort Myers.

The destruction we saw from our bedroom window is vivid.  
I have never seen something like it.  An entire marina with
 hundreds of boats just crashed into each other, and most sunk.

When we left this past April, bots were still scattered all of the place.

Fort Myers beach after Ian.  The loss is heartbreaking.

As Sniff and I make our way back home today, I can't help
 but wonder what has happened in the 6 months we've been gone.

Sniff's last nap here at home in Branson.  I am glad
 we're going home.  I am also a little sad.  Life.

Transformation is a process, and as life 
happens there are tons of ups and downs...
