Sep 12, 2023

Tuesday September 12th ~

Life is not just made up of moments; 
it's made up of moments we remember...

 I love my mornings here in Branson, and I am already 
missing my wildlife, and we are not gone as yet, but the
 time will come when we will soon be heading back
 to Florida for the winter.  It's a bittersweet time.

We have been fortunate to know many good people in Branson. 
 They will forever be a part of our "story"  One of those that I
 will always be thankful to is Robert.  When we had to take back 
Almost Home from Chris and Tiffany Pylant, he was our life 
saviour.  One of the kindest, most honest persons there is.

Branson has been good to us.  Still is.  I will never for one moment 
take for granted everything life has taught me.  The making and
 keeping of memories is by far the most remarkable human gift. 
Making memories is like creating pictures on your heart.

Branson is a place where many come, leave and come back.  Take us 
for example, we came, we liked it.  We left, and we keep coming back.

Memories are the bridge between our past 
and our present, and they shape our future...
