May 24, 2024

Friday May 24th~

At the end of the day, if I can say I had fun, it was a god day...

Oh what a night.  What a very special time for me.  
As I remember, what a night.  Beautiful times 🧡This 
was a while back when we lived in Fort Lauderdale

 I didn't think I would ever be saying this but, I was sure 
happy to see the iguanas again.  I know, I know they cause 
damage to the infrastructure by digging burrows that erode 
and collapse sidewalks, foundations, seawalls, berms
 and canal banks.  Still made me smile to see him.

We had a very good day yesterday.  A little business
 and a lot of none business.  For a day it was well worth
 the drive, we sure got a lot done.  It was a happy day.

Just checking out old stomping grounds where 
Arvid and I, and our kitties had a lot of good times.  
Remembering places we enjoyed.  Memories 💛

Sitting by the river and just having quiet relaxing times.

Looking forward to being home again.  There is no place 
like home, and I can't wait to see Sniff.  It was fun to get
 away for a bit, but more fun to be heading back to home.
  Of course can't forget to stop at the Swap Shop for 
my coconuts and and a few other tropical fruit.

No matter who you are or where you are, 
instinct tells you to go home...
