May 25, 2024

Saturday May 25th~

 Life is about making good times and good memories...

Another beautiful morning for a little walk by the
 pool deck.  Today it was a bit "cooler" start of the day
 compared to what it is going to be.  Once again this
 morning the moon graced us with its presence.

To see the sky change colors in the morning never ceases to
 amaze me.  I think I spend more time looking at it and taking 
pictures than actually walking, but I sure enjoy myself.

Mornings are always close to perfection during my walks.
  I love the quietness of being all by myself, with just my 
thoughts and the catching the first glows of sunlight.

Today we plan to just take it easy.  Do nothing but watch 
TV and relax.  My heels hurt from so much walking.  I 
seem to have the bad habit of walking on my heels.

A good day to all.  As always it's good to be home.

At the end of the day, if I can say I had fun, it was a good day...
